Chapter 19 - The Notes

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True to their word, the following Monday Hitoshi, Neito, Hanta, and Midoriya stayed home from school. Shota and Hizashi made sure their work was sent to them - much to their dismay - and they themselves went off to work. Yua had informed them that she had meetings to attend back in her home city, and since she hadn't brought any kind of luggage, had cleared off back to her home. Shota had bought her a cheap phone for the time being, in case her other one didn't show up any time soon. 

Midoriya still found her odd. She appeared for a day, out of the blue, clearly unsettling Shota, and then disappeared again. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Despite new theories, the Todoroki's remained in isolation for protection - they couldn't be too careful in regards to Blue Crossed. There hadn't been any new cases reported in the past few days since Hitoshi's incident. Everyone was on edge, waiting for the next attack. The Heroes had been working tirelessly to try and track the scraps of recordings they had stored from the occasional broadcasts, but, like every other time, they'd achieved nothing. More and more frustration was building up with the heads of the Hero Agencies, relationships being strained as tensions rose. Nobody knew what to do. The community was starting to doubt the competence of the Heroes and had taken to the streets in protest. Speaking out against the agencies as well as Blue Crossed. Humanity was losing faith in its protectors. It was only a matter of time before people started taking matters into their own hands, which would no doubt lead to widespread devastation at the hands of untrained heroism. 

Shota immediately noticed something was off when he sat down as his desk and nobody was shouting. He'd become accustomed to the racket his class would make every morning before lessons began - fuelled by an unnatural energy for it being first thing in the morning. They each sat quietly, looking forwards or staring down at their books. 

"What?" He snapped. When nobody answered him, he slid out from his chair and rounded the desk to lean against it, frowning at his students. "If someone doesn't explain what the hell is going on, you'll all have detention." This got a reaction out of them as a couple shifted in their seats, exchanging glances with one another. 

"It's nothing, Aizawa sensei." Momo said, though the anxious tapping of her pen on paper was a dead giveaway of her lie. 

"You'll have to be more convincing than that." He said.

"Where the fuck is the nerd and tape-face?" Bakugo's charming voice made the others glance at him in surprise.

Shota raised his eyebrow. "Midoriya and Sero are indisposed. They won't be in class for the foreseeable future. Any more questions?"

"Are they okay?" Uraraka squeaked, worry etched into her face.

"They are fine." Shota said. The others didn't look convinced. 

"For goodness sake, just say it." Shota pinched the bridge of his nose. These kids were going to be the death of him.

"It's just that..." Mina was the one to speak up this time. Shota noticed how she ignored the worried looks the others shot her. "Well, there's a rumour." 

When she didn't develop this, Shota sighed, exasperated. "About?"

"Someone from one of the other classes said they saw you and them at the hospital the other day. Sero and Midoriya." 

Shota narrowed his eyes. "Does this rumour say anything else?"

Mina shrugged. "Just that you guys were talking. We just thought it was a bit weird. No one really thought Mido and Sero were friends." 

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