Chapter 18 - Grandma Incoming

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"Oh, you silly boy." Shota's mother shook her head, dabbing at the tear spilling her eye. She slowly pushed to her feet and shuffled over the man. Her son. 

Shota stood dumbly still as he felt her arms wrap around him, eyes wide with confusion.

"Good Lord, you scared me." She held Shota's face and turned him side to side, checking him over like she did when he was younger. Some things never change.

"What are... Why?" He pried her off him and stepped back, putting space between himself and the overwhelming sense of nostalgia that came in the form of his mother. 

"I was worried about you." She stated like it was obvious. 

"But why?" Shota was bewildered to see her in the flesh. They tended to only do video calls on Christmas and birthdays; the last time they'd met in person was years ago. It was much easier said than done, getting together for celebrations and the like. Yua Aizawa was a business woman at heart, always thinking about work in one way or another - something that had ultimately put distance between her and Shota. 

"I'm your mother, Shota. I'll always worry about you." 

Shota hummed uncertainly and rubbed his brow. "Right, okay. But why did you come here? I thought I sent you my address." 

"Yes, well, it appears my phone has gone walkabout." She cleared her throat and straightened out her blazer. "Now, are we to stand here all day?"

Shota nodded absentmindedly, then turned on his heel. "No, come on. We'll go back to my place where you can explain to what the hell is really going on."

Yua didn't say anything, but the clicking of her shoes trailing after him was agreement enough. 


"I'm home!" Shota announced half-heartedly, opening the door for the two of them. 

"Thank you, dear." She muttered as she passed through.

"That was..." Hizashi froze in the kitchen doorway, halfway through braiding his hair, "quick." 

"Hizashi, darling, come here." Yua pulled her son-in-law into a tight embrace, the man sending a confused look to his husband over her shoulder.

"Yua! It's been ages, how've you been?" 

She pulled away and held him at arms-length. "Oh, you know how it is. Busy, busy! Now, how has Shota been treating you? Well?" 

"Mother!" Shota gasped with indignation. 

"He's been well behaved... most of the time." Hizashi winked, smirking at Shota's disapproving glare. 

"Yes, well, I suspect that's his teenage attitude still in full swing. I'm sure he'll grow out of it." She patted her son's face and grinned at Hizashi, who smiled back. "Now!" She clapped and looked around the hallway. "Where are my grandbabies?" 

"They're upstairs. I can go-" 

"Pa? Who's..." Hanta's head poked out from the top of the stairs, his jaw falling open once he recognised their guest. "Grandma?" His face immediately lit up and he sped off back down the landing. "GUYS! GRANDMA'S HERE!" A flurry of footsteps - some accompanied by painful grunting - followed as Hanta, Neito, and Hitoshi appeared, Midoriya following quietly behind. 

"There my boys are!" She opened her arms as Hanta and Neito collided with her in a tight hug. Midoriya helped Hitoshi down the stairs, and Yua frowned when she saw them. "Good heavens, child, what happened?" She held his face in her hands and inspected the cuts and scrapes littering his skin, tactfully avoiding the cast his arm was still secured in. 

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