7. The best of friends.

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I adjusted to the rhythm of the paediatric ward. I could tell how many days had passed because of when Elliot slept. And I knew roughly what time of day it was - morning, evening, etc. According to the nurses and when Elliot was at his appointments.

He always had one short appointment in the morning, and a longer one after lunch 3 days a week. I wanted to know where he went, I wanted to know why he was here in the hospital, but I couldn't ask him.

It had been roughly 8 days since Kione had visited last. He said he would be away for a bit, I wondered where he was, did he have a job? Was that why he couldn't be here? Who was he to me, he called me his little sister, so we must be siblings but it felt like we weren't very close.

"Hi. I'm here to see my sister Sophia Alicante."
He was here. Chatting with the nurses at the counter.

"She's in room 404, right over there." One of the nurses replied.

"Thanks." He started to walk towards me.

Elliot was at his morning appointment. It was early, the ward was still quiet, the young kids had gotten up a few hours ago but the older kids were still in bed, sleeping in. Just like me, but not for as long I suppose.

"Hey Soph. Sorry I couldn't visit for the last week. I had lots of work to do. You won't believe it but I qualified for the junior space training. That means that one day I might get to go to space. Your pretty cool to have an astronaut brother don't you think?"

"Whoa. You're an astronaut! That's sick man." Elliot walked in. "That's like every kids dream job."

"Haha, yeah. I only just got accepted for the training. So I'm not an astronaut yet. But I've been a pilate in the army for the past couple of years, flying fighter jets and stuff."

"You're literally my hero man. I'm Elliot by the way. Sophia's roommate."

"It's a bit strange that they put you two in a room together don't you think. With Sophia being a girls ne you being a boy."

"Yeah, but they won't let me have a conscience roomie because I pull to many pranks on the ward and I'm a bad influence apparently. They didn't see any harm in me sharing a room with your sister because I can't pull her into my pranks, at least I haven't thought of any ways that I can, yet..."

"Haha" Kione laughed. "I'm Kione, Sophia's older brother. It's nice to meet you Elliot. I sure hope you don't get my sister into any trouble."

"Oh don't worry. I'm harmless."

"So he says." Ellie! How did she sneak up on me, I should really pay more attention outside the room. But I suppose I'm relying on one sense so I'll let myself off this time.

"Hi there. You must be Kione, the ICU team told me that you came to visit Sophia in the early days. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ellie, Sophia and Elliot's nurse."

I think Kione smiled. He would like Ellie. Everyone likes Ellie, how could they not. She's so smiley and bubbly.

"Nice to meet you too Ellie. Sophia would like both of you guys. The three of you would be the best of friends, I'm sure of it."

We would. I like the two of them, and Kione is growing on me. He's not as sad this visit. Maybe that's why I like him more, because he's not so much of a pessimist.

There is no room for pessimists in hospitals, it's already too sad to be sad.

And that's when the world stopped being black. It brightened, a charcoal grey with strange floating shapes. I smiled to myself. This was a sign that things were getting better. I was getting better.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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