Chapter 7: The first song

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By the afternoon of the following day, Camila was getting sick of her own song. She had listened intently as each instrument had been added to the track. She had played the piano part more times than she could count and she had sung it over and over again. She was even getting tired of hearing the violin section despite its beauty.

"I've got what I need," Louis said, smiling. Camila breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Perfect timing," said a blonde woman who strode into the room ahead of Lauren, "It's my turn with our future star."

Camila looked at Lauren quizzically. The woman was acting as if she owned the place but Lauren didn't seem the least bit bothered.

"Fallon Carrington," she said, holding out a hand which Camila shook politely.

"Oh, wow, wait, are you directing my video?" Camila asked, her eyes wide.

"I hadn't mentioned it because I wasn't sure we could fit in her schedule," Lauren said, grinning, "Or that she would do it for a price I could afford."

"Only because I owe you a favor, Jauregui," Fallon said, grinning.

Camila felt that wave of jealousy bubbling up again, wondering what Lauren had done for Fallon Carrington. That emotion was overtaken quickly by the excitement of working with the director. Not only had she done videos for a few of the top artists on the charts she had recently done a successful full-length independent film. Camila was stunned that she was willing to work with her.

"Lauren sent me a demo," Fallon said, "We'll start with that. Louis, let me know when you get a final track."

"Will do," Louis answered, saluting her from inside his booth.

"Camila, with me," Fallon said, turning and walking out of the studio. Camila and Lauren both followed Fallon back to Lauren's office where they sat down on the couch and chairs in the sitting area.

"Okay, as much as I'd like to have a great, big creative idea for this song the truth is that we have a limited amount of time and a rather meager budget," Fallon said.

"The budget is not meager, Fallon," Lauren huffed out.

"Well we're not making an Avengers movie," Fallon said, making Camila giggle, "this is going to be a more traditional type of intro shoot that fits your song."

"Okay, I'm not sure what that means," Camila said, looking back and forth between the women.

"You are gorgeous," Fallon said plainly, "So that helps a lot. Your first video needs to introduce you to the world. This song you've written – it manages to be both melancholy and uplifting. It's an odd thing."

"Well, to be honest, most people find me kind of odd," Camila said. Lauren laughed and gently placed her hand on Camila's back. Fallon shot Lauren a look with a raised eyebrow and Lauren removed her hand quickly.

"I meant it in a good way," Fallon said, "We have to find a way to portray the feeling of the song and a bit about your identity in the video."

Fallon asked Lauren to grab her laptop and she pulled up Norah Jones' video for Don't Know Why and they all watched it all the way through.

"There's not much to that video," Fallon said, "Norah looking beautiful but natural in different settings singing a beautiful song. Huge hit."

"So we copy it?" Camila asked.

"Definitely not," Fallon said, "But I want you to get an idea what we are going for. I don't think the lighting or the tone of that video is right for you at all. We need something lighter, airier, but the concept is the same. We highlight you and the song."

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