Chapter 28: The first show

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The van arrived at the United Center in Chicago and pulled into an area of parking near the loading dock reserved for the bands. Normani hopped out and immediately began talking to some of the United Center employees. She waved to Camila and the guys and they all joined her and walked into a back door of the arena.

"The piano is on stage," Normani said, "Let's check it out. Camila, make sure it's tuned. Guys, let's see what's here and what we need from the trailer."

The next hour was spent checking on things and setting up for their show. Some of Taylor Swift's people arrived as they were finishing their set up and were milling around. Normani brought everyone on stage for a final sound check then they left to wait for show time. There was an office available for them to wait and Normani grabbed her soft ice chest and pulled out some sandwiches and bottles of water. They heard a knock on the door and Camila was closest. She opened it and nearly choked on her sandwich.

"Hope I'm not interrupting," Taylor Swift said, smiling.

"Gosh, no," Camila answered, moving to let her in and trying desperately to swallow her bite.

"I'm Taylor," she said, "I thought I should come say hello."

"Normani Kordei," Normani said, shaking her hand, "This is Mike and Zayn, and that's Camila Cabello."

"Normani, I think we talked on the phone, right?" Taylor asked.

"Yep, that was me," she answered.

"Nice to put a name to the face," Taylor answered. She turned to Camila, "I'm glad you could jump in. I finally got to sit and listen to your whole album yesterday on the bus. Damn, it's good."

"Thank you," Camila said, feeling the blush creep up her face.

"You write your own music, right?" Taylor asked.

"Yep, I've been writing forever," Camila answered.

"Well, maybe if this works out we could team up on something," Taylor said, "I'm jealous of some of your stuff."

"That would be incredible," Camila replied, nodding.

"Alright, I gotta go get ready," Taylor said, "Break a leg."

Camila shut the door behind her and turned to the group. She couldn't help the loud squeal that came out of her mouth. The band laughed and everyone seemed buoyed by the visit. They finished their food then Normani told the guys to leave so Camila could get dressed. Camila grabbed her bag and pulled out the flowy, beige, sleeveless sundress they had decided would be the signature dress for this tour. Lauren had packed four of them, all exactly alike. The dress was comfortable and let Camila move her arms freely. Camila had a few choices about what to wear. This dress felt right and she loved it the moment she saw it. She put it on and slipped into the sandals she would wear for the show.

"How's it look?" Camila asked Normani.

"You look perfect, Camila," Normani answered, "Just touch up your lipstick and you're done."

Camila went into the bathroom and reapplied the light pink lipstick she had chosen. She looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. She heard a knock on the door and Normani called out to her.

"Ten minutes til we start," Normani said, "We should go."

"Okay, I'll be right there," Camila said.

Camila picked up her phone and dialed Lauren.

Lauren: Camz?

Camila: Hey, I'm about to go on and I needed to hear your voice

Lauren: Darling, you're going to be great. I love you so much and I wish I was there to give you a kiss for good luck.

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