Chapter 20: The interview

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Camila made it through her radio interview without a sweat. The segment was less than ten minutes and that included her song playing so it felt more like an advertising blurb than an interview. However, as she waited in the wings at Chula Vista Morning Show she was a bundle of nerves. Lauren was chatting amicably with the producer when she glanced over and saw Camila fidgeting in her chair. Lauren excused herself from her conversation and walked over to Camila.

"Are you nervous, darling?" Lauren asked, smiling at Camila.

"Yes, I'm a wreck," Camila whispered, "Every time I manage to calm myself down I think I might say something stupid and I get nervous again."

"Camz, this is a fluff piece on a morning show," Lauren said calmly, "You're being interviewed by Hailee Steinfeld – she's the epitome of morning sunshine in Chula Vista. There won't be any hard questions. I promise."

"I wish I could just play the song and leave," Camila huffed out.

"Well, this is part of the job," Lauren said, gently pushing a stray hair behind Camila's ear and smiling at her softly, "And Jade has you very prepared. You'll do fine."

"I hope so," Camila said.

Lauren leaned forward and whispered into Camila's ear, "And if your mind needs to wander while you're waiting just think about the noises you pulled out of me in the bathtub last night."

"Lauren!" Camila answered, blushing furiously but unable to hide her smile.

The producer walked over as the women were giggling softly and let Camila know that she could move to the piano at the next commercial break.  She would play her song then join Hailee on the tall barstools for the interview. Camila nodded and Lauren gave her hand a quick squeeze.

Camila moved to her position when the time was right. As the countdown to come back on air began she looked up to see Lauren, looking completely relaxed, smiling at her. She managed a smile and waited.

"This morning we have Chula Vista's newest star here with us to play the song that has gone viral and taken over YouTube and the radio waves," Hailee said, "Let's take a listen to "My Own Way" by our hometown girl – Camila Cabello."

The cameras panned over to Camila, who closed her eyes to start and concentrated and began playing. She found her rhythm quickly and the song flowed from her with ease. When she was done the people in the studio gave a round of applause. She stood and walked over to the barstools where Hailee was waiting. She took her seat and took a deep breath.

"Camila, I have to tell you, I'm a huge fan already," Hailee said, "I've been one of the people binging that song since I first heard it a few days ago. It's amazing."

"Thank you," Camila said, smiling brightly.

"Actually, I've listened to the whole album on Spotify and I recommend that everyone does the same," Hailee said, looking at the camera and talking comfortably.

"That would be great," Camila answered.

"So, tell us how you became such an overnight sensation," Hailee said.

"It really wasn't that," Camila said, "I've been working on my music for years. I started studying piano when I was eight and I was writing songs when I was fifteen – although they were awful."

Hailee laughed, "I'm sure they weren't that bad."

"Oh they were," Camila said, chuckling.

Lauren watched, smiling widely. Camila was coming off like the most beautiful girl next door in the world. She seemed friendly and natural and she had an immediate fun chemistry with Hailee.

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