Chapter 25: talk shows and opportunities

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Camila still couldn't believe what was happening. She had been sitting with Lauren in the green room of the Tonight Show when Jimmy Fallon walked in and introduced himself. He was so friendly and sweet and gushed about how much his wife loved her song. She could feel herself blushing. Lauren stood next to her with a huge smile. Jimmy asked if it was okay if they did a bit about her being a barista and had her make him coffee. She agreed, even if it only added to her nerves. He told her he was heading out to start the taping and that someone would come get her in a few minutes. He told Lauren she could watch the taping from the green room or that she could watch in the wings. He gave Camila another friendly handshake before leaving.

"I feel like I can't breathe," Camila said as soon as he shut the door, looking at Lauren nervously.

"Darling, Jimmy Fallon is like a puppy dog," Lauren said, smiling and rubbing Camila's arms softly, "He makes everyone look good, and he's certainly not going to make it hard on someone his wife is such a fan of."

"That was really nice, that he told me that," Camila said, catching her breath and nodding at Lauren.

"Yes, it was," Lauren said, stepping closer and brushing back a stray hair to place it behind Camila's ear. Camila seemed to calm with Lauren's touch and she looked at her with a loving gaze. A knock at the door interrupted the moment and an assistant led Camila and Lauren to their places to wait. Lauren stood next to a small group in the wings and Camila was led to the music set. She could hear the crowd laughing at Jimmy's monologue. Camila took her seat on the piano bench.

Camila shifted nervously then looked up to see Lauren in her eyeline. Lauren gave her a big smile and thumbs up. Camila heard her introduction and the curtain opened. She watched for her cue from the production assistant then began to play. When she finished the crowd was on its feet, cheering. She stood up as Jimmy Fallon approached her with a big smile and happy handshake.

"Camila Cabello, everyone!" he exclaimed, and the crowd cheered even louder. The light on the cameras began to blink and the filming cut.

Jimmy turned to Camila with a genuine smile, "That was perfect. The crowd doesn't always go crazy like that, you know."

"Thank you," Camila said, a little breathless again with the rush of adrenaline she was having.

"Come over here for the next bit," Jimmy said, leading her to a spot on the set with a big x marked on the floor. They stood for a moment until the cameras were in place. The crew motioned to the audience to get quiet and the cameras lit up for filming.

"Welcome back," Jimmy said to the cameras, "So, Camila, I understand that before you were discovered you worked as a barista."

"Yep, two years behind the counter at a local coffee shop in Chula Vista," Camila answered, smiling.

"Did you like it?" Jimmy asked.

"I can't say I miss it," Camila answered, "It's harder than it looks. Everyone should be nice to their local barista."

Jimmy chuckled, "Well, were you good at it?"

"I like to think I was," Camila answered, smiling.

Their banter was easy and charming and Jimmy was grinning as assistants pushed a large table onto the set next to them. An elaborate coffee machine was on top. Camila giggled and rolled her eyes, much to the delight of the audience who had come to life again, applauding at the skit.

"We usually offer our guests coffee here at the Tonight Show," Jimmy said, "But I thought tonight I'd put you to work. You don't mind, right?"

"I guess not?" Camila answered, arching her eyebrows and giving Jimmy a sly smile.

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