Chapter 26: Feelings

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Camila looked out of the window and tried not to fidget the whole way back from Los Angeles. Lauren was on the phone non-stop, working to make sure everything was set for Camila and the group to leave for the next morning. Finally, about a half-hour from Chula Vista she put the phone down and turned to Camila.

"Ok, I think you're set," Lauren said, "You'll be travelling with Normani, Mike and one other musician you haven't met. Ally couldn't make it so I've got a guy named  Zayn Malik going. He's really good and a quick learner. Normani and Mike have been working with him all day. I've got the pianos set up at the first three venues and I'll get the others set tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Camila asked.

"You can't bring a piano with you," Lauren said, "The large venues have them – usually a Steinway, but it may be a Yamaha. I have to make sure the piano is set and tuned for you when you get there. The band will be bringing the rest of the equipment in a trailer behind the van."

"We'll be in a van?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, we've rented a big 15 passenger van and a trailer for you guys, should be plenty of room," Lauren said. "You realize we're probably not going to make any money on this gig. It's purely for exposure. No tour bus yet."

"Okay," Camila answered, nodding.

"I've got hotel rooms for the first three locations as well," Lauren said, "I'll work on the rest tomorrow. Normani has all the information. She'll be doing double duty as the tour manager."

"What do I need to do?" Camila asked.

"I've got a packing list for you," Lauren said, "And really, it's mostly just clothes and toiletries. That's all you'll need."

"Are we going to get a chance to practice?" Camila asked.

"We're going to the studio now for you all to do a run-through," Lauren said, "You're just going to play the album. Everyone knows their jobs. You'll be fine."

"So where do we play first?" Camila asked.

"I've got the list here," Lauren said, pulling up the dates on her laptop, "The first drive is going to be a doozy. You guys need to get to Chicago in two days. Mapquest puts the drive at 31 hours so Mike and Normani will take shifts. You'll spend the night halfway in between for a few hours of rest. You'll do two shows there then you'll follow the bus route for the rest of the tour. You go progressively west, Lincoln, Denver, Salt Lake City, Glendale, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and then look at the last show..."

"Oh my gosh, the tour ends in Chula Vista!" Camila said happily.

"Yes, so I'll get to see one of your shows," Lauren answered, smiling.

"That's it?" Camila asked, unable to hide her disappointment, "You're not coming to any others?"

"I can't Camz, really," Lauren answered, "I'm so far behind on everything else and I've got two studio sessions in the next couple of weeks. My back is to the wall."

"Okay," Camila said softly.

They rode quietly the rest of the way to LJM. When they arrived they walked in to find Normani, Mike and Zayn practicing in the studio. Lauren left Camila there and they all began working together on the set list. The next couple of hours flew by until Lauren peeked her head in to the studio.

"It's nearly eight," Lauren said, "I know you all have things to do before tomorrow. All done?"

"Yeah, we're good," Normani said, "I'm going to grab the van and the trailer now and we'll get the equipment packed up. We'll be at your place to get you at 5 AM, Camila."

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