Chapter 10: After the party

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Lauren mingled for a few more minutes then she instructed the caterers to start cleaning up and shutting things down. She walked over to the lighting panel and turned the lights up just a bit, enough to signal that the party was coming to an end. She laughed when she heard the band start booing her from the bar.

"Last call, you can have one more," Lauren answered the group, making them all give her a loud cheer.  Lauren walked over to Camila and smiled.

"Guess you can't just kick them right out," Camila sighed, smiling.

"As much as I'd like to, I think it might be rude," Lauren said, grinning.

Sinu and Alejandro walked over and they talked for a while about the party and the video. They were both gushing over Camila, clearly full of pride and joy for their daughter. They said their goodbyes and gave Camila hugs. Lauren was surprised when Sinu pulled her in for a hug as well. She smiled brightly at the couple as they left.

Clara came over next and congratulated Camila.  She gave Lauren a knowing wink and smiled as she walked toward the roof door.

"What was that about?" Camila asked.

"Long story, I'll tell you later," Lauren said, unsure whether it was a good idea to bring up the fact that she had confessed her feelings about Camila to Clara.

The band and all of the friends slowly made their way out, all thanking Lauren for the party and toasting Camila on her great night. Finally only Sofi and Kelly were left with Lauren and Camila. Sofi pulled Camila into one last big hug.

"So, do you need a ride?" Sofi whispered into Camila's ear.

"No, definitely no," Camila whispered in return.

Sofi chuckled as she pulled back from the hug. Kelly leaned in for a quick hug goodbye and as she pulled back Camila started rambling nervously as she glanced at Lauren.

"So, I'm going to stay and help Lauren, you know, clean up and whatever..." Camila started.

"Okay, bye," Sofi said quickly, taking Kelly's hand and giving Lauren a wave as they turned and walked out.

Lauren looked at Camila and giggled, "You do realize that there's a team of caterers behind us cleaning everything up, right?"

"So, I guess I made that awkward," Camila said, shaking her head and chuckling.

"Did you tell Sofi about our kiss?" Lauren asked, stepping closer to Camila.

"Yes," Camila answered, blushing.

"I figured, the way she ignored your adorable stammering and just about ran out of here," Lauren said, smirking, "Good wingman."

Lauren took Camila's hand in hers and walked toward the rooftop door. Camila followed her and they made their way to Lauren's penthouse apartment. They walked in and Lauren locked the door behind them. She leaned on the back of the sofa and pulled off her heels.

"I hope you don't mind," Lauren said, "I can't take these shoes one second longer."

Camila laughed softly as she looked at the stiletto heels, "I don't know how you wear those at all.  I would fall right on my face."

"How about I get us a drink," Lauren said, turning to walk past Camila toward the bar in her den.

Camila took Lauren's hand as she walked past, stopping her in her tracks.  Lauren turned and Camila gently placed her hands on Lauren's hips and pulled her closer. Lauren looked up at Camila and brought her hands up and rested them over Camila's shoulders. Camila's eyes met Lauren's and she brought one hand up and gently placed it behind Lauren's neck, bringing them even closer. She leaned in and their lips met, slowly and softly at first.

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