Chapter 8: The Unwinding Cable Car

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Chapter 8

Taking a page from Spencer's book, Aria decides to take Alison out to learn how to drive. It'll be nice to have the blonde performing tasks that will make her feel more competent and useful, Aria thinks. Besides Em is forever bugging Aria for lifts and it would be nice to have someone else to shoulder the burden of the swimmer's hyperactive desire for going out around town.

"Hey, don't be nervous," Aria consoles Alison gently as the two sit together in the car in an empty, abandoned parking lot. Only this time, Alison is the one in the driver's seat and Aria is sitting calmly in the passenger seat, trying to soothe the blonde's nerves.

"S-s-orry," Alison stutters as she tries to breathe properly. She's worried about having this much responsibility and about the possibility of messing up and displeasing Aria, even if the little brunette is kind. Everyone has their limits, Alison has learned in the past.

"It's okay to be cautious," Aria quips in a calming voice. "Cars are literally killing machines. It's crazy that millions of people every day operate these things because you could literally cause so much destruction with them."

She pauses as she sees Alison nod, eyes wide and frigthened.

"But I'm gonna teach you how to do it, and you're not gonna hurt us, or anyone. You won't get in trouble, I swear. Okay?"

Alison nods hesitantly once again and Aria gives a nod of approval.

"Alright, so the keys are in the ignition already. Now turn them all the way forward," Aria instructs, and Alison does as she's told, jumping in her seat slightly as the car roars to life. It doesn't help that Emily has a high end, powerful sedan.

"Now you're gonna use your right foot to control the pedals, got it? Your left foot just stays put off to the side," Aria continues. "Push your right foot on the pedal and use your right hand to shift gears right here."

They continue through the basics of driving for a good fifteen minutes before Alison gains enough confidence to move the car forward. Aria finds it endearing how the blonde's face contorts into surprise and fear as the car moves when she steps on the gas, and the way the blonde gasps as she applies a bit too much pressure to the accelerator.

But soon enough, they're driving in circles and Alison's death grip on the wheel lightens up ever so gently.

"Good job," Aria praises knowing that the blonde needs all the assurance she can get. "It'll become easier, trust me."

Alison smiles bashfully, knowing the little brunette is just trying to make her feel better about her nervousness. But it helps all the same having Aria on her side. It's been forever since she's had a friend, and she can barely register what the word means. She was never really allowed to have friends in all her years of captivity, but she knows that this is okay with Emily.

A soft melody starts and Aria looks down at her lap to see her cell phone ringing.

"One sec, it's Em," Aria tells Alison and answers the phone. She gestures towards the ignition and Alison quickly shuts off the car. "Hey Em!...Good yeah I'm just hanging out with Alison..."

She covers the mouth piece of the phone and looks towards the blonde. "Em says hi," Aria whispers before uncovering the phone once more. "Yeah we can come get you in 10. Are you done?...Okay sweet we'll be there soon. Bye!"

Aria hangs up and looks towards the blonde in the driver's seat who stares back inquisitively.

"Alright, now drive to pick up Emily," Aria suggests lightly with a raised eyebrow and she giggles when Alison's baby blue eyes widen in shock and slight panic. "I'm just kidding, let's switch and go get her."

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