Chapter 21: Breaking The Habit

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Emily reluctantly pulls herself away from the blonde model's lips when she hears her phone vibrate multiple times on the table beside her as she reaches for it blindly when the girl follows her lips.

"Slow down girl," Emily placates and pulls the phone to her face.

The blonde whines but Emily ignores her opening her message curiously.


Emily scrambles out of the bed and grabs her shirt.

"Where are you going?" the model demands but Emily reads the rest of the texts as her friends regroup at the backdoor. "Emily?"

Emily dashes out the door, stumbling through her coke induced state, and fights her way through the crowds. Ali is missing somewhere in this fucking disaster zone with horny self-important assholes. Emily picks up her pace shoving people carelessly as she gets down the stairs. She needs to find Ali, her drug induced mind on one heroic track as she tries to focus on where she's going.


Alison finds herself dragged by a big hand with a tight grip on her wrist. She's yanked into a mostly empty room off the dining room, an extra sitting room Ali recognizes and as she takes in her surroundings she recognizes the room from Emily's photoshoot. A few remaining people leave when a man on the far side snarls at them. The brute holding her tosses her into the middle of the little circle, made up of the leftover people, like a rag doll and she just manages to stay on her feet while the four around her look on with varying levels of interest, she doesn't recognize any of them personally but the energy is extremely intimidating and they survey her like predators.

"No way, Fields' fuck toy," a pretty boy snickers and the only girl in the group scoffs. The boy looks like he's just stumbled upon a present on Christmas morning, and the girl clings to his arm possessively and glares at Ali like its the blonde's fault her partner is interested.

"She's not that pretty," the snobby girl comments snidely though her beady eyes examine Alison closely and the blonde feels her skin prickle. The stare reminds her too much of the raven haired girl who she tries desperately to forget.

"Noel," the girl snaps wanting reassurance from the boy who won't stop leering at Ali.

"Jenna play nice," Noel scolds teasingly as he steps closer to inspect Alison. "You're scaring her." He laughs mockingly and the blonde wants nothing more than to run, but she feels herself paralyzed. She shivers with fear as her anxiety grows. Like the last party, the walls are closing in again and this time Emily isn't here to fend off the sharks.

"She's got an alright body," Jenna muses, and Noel nods eagerly, his normally charming eyes examining Alison in all the wrong places. "For a doll, obviously."

"Look at that cute little mouth," Noel licks his lips and Alison wants to throw up and run all at once.

"Maya said she was a good fuck," the tall man who caught her and threw her in the circle haughtily taunts and Alison doesn't like his muscular build or defined jawline. He looks untrustworthy in every sense of the word, all of them do and if they know Maya thats all the more proof that Ali doesn't want anything to do with them.

"If Maya says she's good, then she must be," Jenna greedily takes in Alison, lust swirling in her eyes and Alison's body continues to slip into panic mode. She needs to escape, she needs to find Hanna—

"So you approve," Noel coyly suggests as he affectionately kisses Jenna's neck and Alison wants to hurl at the implications. Jenna's eyes flitter shut as she moans and Alison uncomfortably backs away right into the man who entrapped her in this ring of disgusting humans.

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