Chapter 14: Your Heart Is An Empty Room

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Chapter 14

Alison watches Pepe slowly amble along on their walk, he's been quiet all morning and she watches with alarm as several bunnies scurry past, pretty much under his nose and all he does is turn his head lazily, as if it's too heavy for him.

"Pepe?" Alison asks softly, her eyebrows wrinkling with concern as she watches the fluffy dog stop and pant as though exhausted. They haven't even been out a half hour yet. "Pepe?"

Pepe wobbles a little on his legs and then with a pained whimper he collapses onto his side. Alison rushes to him immediately crouching down as he whines in pain, trying to get up.

"Pepe, no hold still," Alison orders frantically, her hands are shaking as she tries to find a visible wound or something to explain Pepe's pain. He just whimpers louder and Ali tries to sooth him as best she can. "Easy, its ok, boy."

He really can't stand Ali realizes and he seems to be getting weaker by the minute. She looks around desperately but they're at the back of the property alone and Alison stupidly left her phone inside. Stupid, so stupid.

Pepe jerks a little and looks to her with fearful big puppy eyes like he's begging her. Alison rubs his neck softly.

"Its ok I'm gonna— I'll carry you," Alison assures him and she shuffles closer to him shaking a little.

He's not a huge dog but he's not little either. She crouches and gets an arm under his side, lifting with all her might, rolling his dead weight into her arms.

"Its ok, Pepe," Alison grunts as she gets to her feet and starts back to the house. "Em will know what to do."

Pepe whines in her hold and Ali tries to make herself believe her assurances to the dog. Emily will fix this. She will, she has to.


Emily is happily munching on her toast as Aria tries to explain for the fourth time why cakes are superior to pies, Emily doesn't have much invested in this debate but she's sided with the absent Ezra just to rile Aria up because its a nice change from cool level headed Aria to crazed cake defender Aria. It's one of the lightest conversations they've had in a while and Emily plans on dragging it out as long as possible.

"Help! Please! Emily!" they both hear shouts from the backyard and Emily is out of her chair like a bullet hurtling through the backdoor.

Alison stumbles across the lawn holding a limp Pepe in her arms and she bursts into tears at the sight of Emily. The swimmer rushes over as Alison starts crying uncontrollably. Pepe has gotten worse over the last few minutes, his breathing labored and his eyes shutting every few seconds.

"Please, help him, Emily, please," Alison begs and Emily's never heard Ali sound so desperate. It frightens her and she snaps to attention instantly, examining her poor little pup.

"What happened?" Aria asks from behind Emily as the swimmer gently lifts Pepe from Alison's shaking arms. Her heart twists at the sight of her beloved, loyal dog hurt and ill.

The dog whines and looks to his owner like its taking all his effort to see her, he lets out a short desperate breath.

"Pepe," Emily whispers as Pepe blinks slowly, his heart rate slowing and then he closes his eyes for a long beat, not opening them again.

"Em, he needs a vet, I'll get the car," Aria insists already running inside for her car keys.

Emily stares in shock at the limp dog in her arms and Ali cries harder. The brunette can't lose her dear dog, who's going to greet her happily no matter what? And who's going to cuddle her without any qualms or conditions? And worst of all, who is she going to have keep Ali company in the mornings?

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