Chapter 12: Gooey

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One week later...

Emily wakes up with the best idea ever. She's warm and comfortable and for the first time in a while she's bursting with energy. Not to mention she feels as though all the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the air just has a lovely freshness to it.

She looks to her left and smiles at the peacefully sleeping girl beside her and for a second Emily's good mood is rattled when she imagines blonde hair spilled across her pillow rather than raven tresses. Emily swallows heavily and pushes everything that image stirs in the pit of her stomach way, way down. She loves her girlfriend.

"Maya-" Emily enthusiastically starts as she sits straight up in bed and turns to face her girlfriend.

"I don't care," Maya grunts grumpily rolling away, cutting off Emily's enthusiasm.

"But Maya-" the brunette pouts.

"Its too early," Maya grumbles angrily and Emily is once again reminded her girlfriend is not a morning person. She rolls her eyes and tries to think of a way to get Maya to listen. Emily smiles teasingly and trails a finger over Maya's bare back.

"I'll make it worth your while," she whispers suggestively as she slides up to Maya's back, pressing a kiss to her shoulder blade. Maya, however, is immune to her seduction at such an early hour and shakes her off.

"I'm not as easy as you, baby," Maya snarks and shuffles back into the pillow, pulling the covers up over her naked torso. The brunette catches a glimpse of her perky breasts before Maya covers up and her insatiable libido is sparked.

Fine. Emily gets out of bed with an annoyed huff, now sexually frustrated and excited. Forget her grumpy girlfriend. She'll find someone who will appreciate her, and she knows exactly who will. But not like that, Emily amends to herself.

The athlete rolls out of bed, not bothering to throw on any robe over her thin, almost see through shirt and panties. She hears a muffled "shut the door" on her way out and she slams it a little too hard as she bounds out of the bedroom. As she makes her way down the stairwell, she hears a rattling in the kitchen followed by the scurrying of paws on the floor and a hushed voice. Emily smiles, knowing exactly who it is.

"Ali," Emily calls excitedly as she bounds into the kitchen, startling the blonde slave who is standing at the counter, half asleep with a glass of water. The blonde stands straighter nervously before she realizes it's Emily and manages a shaky smile. Alison is a bit more accustomed nowadays to seeing Emily in barely any clothing but it still makes her feel slightly embarrassed as she tilts her head trying to keep her gaze fixed to the toned athlete's excited eyes.

"Sorry," Emily sheepishly apologizes for scaring the blonde as she ambles over to Ali, trying to ignore the fact that she can see the blonde's wandering eyes. "But I just had the best idea ever."

She wraps her arms around Alison's waist in her excitement and Ali can only imagine what Emily wants now. She's been relatively left alone, apart from Maya, but obviously now Emily has something specific in mind. And she's very excited about it, the blonde can tell. Alison feels her apprehension growing.

"Maya is still asleep so you get to share in my genius," Emily whispers conspiratorially and Alison stiffens in the swimmer's arms while trying desperately to will herself to remain calm.

"We're going to..." Emily hot breaths tickles her ear and the blonde squirms a little despite her efforts not to. "...have a barbecue."

Emily squeezes Alison tightly and then lets go of the bewildered blonde. Alison looks up, completely puzzled, only to see Emily's beaming smile.

"Best idea ever right," Emily happily notes as she moves over to the fridge and shifts through for something to drink. She's normally not a morning person but she's so awake and happy right now that she feels like having a goddamn margarita. But she controls herself and keeps looking only to find some ice water with slices of strawberry in it.

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