stupid plan

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I woke up earlier then I wanted, I thought I was the first one up, but as I looked around, one person was missing. Merlin. everyone was asleep, even sir Leon. who was supposed to keep watch. (A/N: dam Leon) I got up and started walking around trying to find my useless, stupid, idiotic, clumsy, cute, precious man-servant.

I froze in my tracks as soon as I realized what I just thought. cute? precious? sure he was one of a kind, but precious? no. I shook my head in order to get the thoughts out of my head.

I hear a splash to my right that definitely didn't make me jump (A/N: suuuuure it didn't ;) ) I started walking towards it to see a man sitting by the water washing his chest and back as well as he could. i starred for a little bit before realizing that that man was merlin.

He had scars up and down his arms and back. how the hell did he get scars on his back, he doesn't do anything  I thought. But then again, I could be wrong, but I probably wasn't. he didn't know I was there, which was good, until he turned around.

he jumped when he saw me standing there. he tried his best to cover up his scars, that were not only on his back, but on his chest too. I walked over to him and reached out a hand.



I jumped when I saw Arthur looking at me. I tried to cover up my scars with my shirt, but to no avail. (A/N: is that how you say it?)

now, these scars aren't from self harm, but from saving Arthur so many times.

Arthur reached a hand out to me, I thought he was going to smack the side of my head, but instead, he grabbed my arm and stared at me in disbelief. he stared at my arms, my chest then my back. I was getting uncomfortable, I felt my checks heat up when he touched one of the scars on my chest.

I did a quick spell that made my checks go back to normal before Arthur looked up at me.

''who did this to you?" the prince asked me with, I think it was, concern lurking in his eyes. I shrugged his hand off and said ''a lot of people'' and started walking away.

I don't like having people asking me about my 'battle scars'. especially Arthur. I walked back to the camp site to see that all the knights were up, and surprisingly, they made food.

the knights looked up at me once I made it to the camp. I  raised an eyebrow at them, ''you made food'' I stated. ''I made the food'' sir Gwain said. my eyes   went wide, sarcastically of course, ''oh god'' I said backing away from the pot. the knights around me laughed, I smiled.

Arthur came back from the  river a while after i got my food, it was surprisingly good. Arthur eyed me before going to get some food for  himself.

once the royal prat had finished eating, we-more like I- packed up and continued riding.

we rode for at least two hours and my butt was sore. The castle came  into full view just behind some tree's. it was dark and creepy with banners with a snake  slithering up a sword that was in front of a throne with spikes.

I could feel the magic   coming off of the castle walls. I shuddered. ''are you scared merlin'' Arthur teased, I glared at him. ''yes, that's how any normal person would act'' I said back to him, I could hear Gwain oohh-ing in the distance.

Arthur didn't answer to that. got him.


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