time to fix everything

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I was laying in bed thinking about what has happened today and the days before. if there where any days before that is. maybe i did dream it all, maybe i got hurt and hallucinated it all. ya, that could have happened.

But, wouldn't i have had some sort of injury then?

dammit Merlin, you always have to think about stuff, don't you.

well im sorry but i just have to

well maybe next time you shouldn't

i wasn't asking you brain

well you should have been

just shut up!

i am going insane. i just had an argument with myself, well my brain really. But still, im so insane that i see a light in the corner of my room.

wait, what!? i sat up in my bed startled. the more i stared, the closer i was too it."Merlin"a voice called from the bright blue light, "Merlin" it called again and this time a hand came out of the light. "Take my hand Merlin" it said, and i felt compelled to take it. so i did.

the hand pulled me through the light. once i got through the light i was in the castle again, but a different part. i looked over to the man who pulled me through.

The man was old and had along white beard and white hair that went down to his shoulders. the old man was wearing a dark blue cloak and hood-which had gold lace at the ends-. the mans face was old yet kind and his eyes where a light shade of black, almost grey. his teeth showed when he smiled at me, he had a few teeth missing but it suited him.

"Who are you" i asked after i took in his appearance. "I am Dagda. the god of truth and magic" he said with a stone cold voice that didn't fit his appearance. "I am Merlin" i said bowing, "yes, i know who you are, and there is no need to bow" he said raising me up with his hand. i nodded to him in thanks and in response. "Why am i here?" i asked confused as to why i am in the castle with a god and how no one seems to wonder why i am here with a god.

"Ah yes, the explanation. well our paths where destined to meet since the beginning of time Emrys. and i know you are confused as to why we are here and why no one can see us." i nodded. "Well, i am here to tell you the truth of the events that have taken place in the past few days and we are in the past and i have used a spell so nobody can see us" Dagda said smiling thinly at me. "Right, ok. so what has happened in the last few days. because i remember that we had a war with Morgana and i killed her then i kissed Arthur at Gauisès work spot. oh and i died then came back".

Dagda just looked at me with a troubled expression. "Well, the events that have passed truly happened, but not the way they were supposed to" he said, and with every word he said i got even more confused. "Many who had died were not supposed to die just yet, and those who lived may not have been supposed to". Dagda looked troubled with the words he had just spoken. "What do you mean?" i asked curious as to what he meant.

"Let's walk and hopefully the actions of others will help you understand" he said to me before walking down the hall, me following shortly behind. we walked into the throne room and saw all the knights at the round table with the addition of Gauis, Gwen and me. they were talking about the attack on Camelot. the one where so many died.

of course they don't know that, but i do.

well, present me, no past me. cause that would be weird.

i don't really remember what happened in this meeting because i blanked out, but know i have to listen or else i might miss it again. and that would suck.

"Now, we have had a few attacks by Morgana but this one is different." Arthur said to the knights, i missed this part. "And it is not just because she has grown stronger or that her army is bigger, but she wants someone. and i have met that someone. " i was so confused, who would she want? "Morgana wants the sorcerer Emrys. and she says that he is in the walls of Camelot" as soon as Arthur mentioned Emrys my eyes went wide. Morgana didn't know i was Emrys, but she must have realised that someone magical person has been destroying her attempts at killing Arthur. makes sense.

"We must find this Emrys and protect him" WHAT!? "this Emrys is supposed to save all of Camelot, and if that is true i would rather not give him to Morgana" i remember what happends After this because this was when the meeting was over and i was brought back to reality by the chairs moving.

"Let us walk again" Dagda said turning his back on the fading picture. but this time he only took two steps before we got to Morganas castle.

the day i died.

"A snake" was the first thing i heard and then i heard some snickering. i looked around to see i was in a room with Arthur and the knights. they could see and hear all the things that happened in the room i was in. "Dagda , what does this have anything to do with my mistakes?"i asked him but he simply nodded at the knights. i didn't understand but i stared at them anyways.


i have been staring at them for a while before i realized why. they were going to fight just to save me. they were going to risk there lives for me. but why?

"I see you are confused" Dagda said "why would they fight for me?"i asked, but again i didn't get a response. he just looked back at Arthur with me following his gaze.

when i saw what he was looking at my heart swelled.

Arthur and the knights fighting of Morganas knights at the door. they beat Morganas men and went to where i was being kept. but as i already knew, they were to late.

Morgana had already put the sword in my chest and i was immediately dead. it was a shame, i quite liked living. but what i did not see was how sad Arthur was, and i felt like i had to do something to stop all this heartache, but not just from here, but from the battle as well.

"Dagda , i know now what i have to do" i said string him down. "I'm sure you do, but don't you think we should look at why Morgana didn't attack until Three years after?" he asked raising an eyebrow at me. that thought had been digging at my mind for a while know. "I guess we should" i said sighing, Dagda nodded once and walked two steps before another light showed and we found ourselves at Morganas castle.

Her castle was very dark and didn't have any personality. it wasn't very welcoming either, not that i expected it to be, but she could have at least tried.

"Do we attack now my lady?" i heard someone ask Morgana, "no," she said "why not?" the man said "because , even though Arthur is at his weakest, which would help me destroy him, it wouldn't be a fun fight" Morgana answered. Wow she was a sick person.

"Then how long shall we wait?" the man asked "lets try.........3 years" the man nodded and ran out of the room.

"Now you can do what has to be done" Dagda said to me. I nodded, i knew exactly what needed to be done. Dagda turned around and took two steps before walking through another light, but that light was dark blue not light blue.

i walked into the light only to be greeted by my room. and i was alone. once i stopped looking around i started packing. i packed everything i thought i would need and went out of my room. Gaius was out doing stuff so i left a note.


since Morgana is going to attack just to find Emrys, i am going to find her and do what i have to do to save everyone. im sorry if i do not make it back. but i hope you know that i am doing this out of pure good, i hope.

love Merlin.

that was the last thing i did before sneaking/walking out of the castle and off to fix everything.
A/N: do you know that Dagda was a real person? He was really the God of magic and maybe truth. idk what he looked like but this was what I found on the interwebs.-Alison

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