chapter one

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As the sun begins to set, waves crashing in softer, I take a close look at each of my friends. We're all similar, but so incredibly different as well.

Sunny was my best friend, the asshole who just snatched the last piece of pizza. Since I was little, we've been two peas in a pod.

She's frustratingly smart, always reading on the beach, reading everywhere we go honestly. She spills out fun facts at the most random times, she's definitely our secret weapon when we do trivia.

Her dark hair got her the nickname Rainy, which she despises. She secretly loves it, we all know it's true.

She's a hopeless romantic, she falls in love with almost every guy that walks by her. Unfortunately, every guy also falls in love with her. Sweetheart's had her heartbroken an impressive amount of times.

Sun loves her sleep. It's a known fact between us four. Do not wake Sunny unless you absolutely must. It's a suicide mission waiting to happen.

Sitting next to her in a mess of blonde curls is Porter, the one complaining about the piece of pizza and threatening to make Sunny throw it up so he can have it. Pretty fitting of his character actually. He's the "funny" one, so he thinks.

His dirty jokes though? Not as funny as he makes them out too be.

You'll hear "That what she said" out of that kids mouth more than anything.

He's a big party boy. It's 11 at night and you can't find him? He's at a party.

Sleeping at 3 in the afternoon? He's hungover from a party. You get the idea.

Then there's Charlie. He's the chill one, very "go with the flow" for lack of better words, down to do anything at any time. Unless he's working at the smoothie place by the beach, because he loves that tiny shop more than anything.

He's very protective, hence why me and Sunny don't really go to parties with the boys anymore. Last time, a tourist boy who was visiting had tried to kiss me drunk and Charlie beat the hell out of him.

Not important!

In general, he's a very fun guy. I've also been kind of in love with him for eight years, but that's really not important either.

I tried to look at myself from an outside point of view. I'm probably exactly what you picture when you think beach girl. The long blonde hair, the body wash that smells like coconut, the surfing addiction and turtle tattoo on my ankle.

Fun fact, I stress bake. Boom, I'm unique.

"Lav, you good?" Charlie bumps me with his elbow, the furrow in his eyebrows expressing concern.

"I was just thinking of how much I love you!" I over exclaim, wrapping my arms around his neck. His worry fades away with annoyance.

"We don't love you," Porter comments, mouth full of fruit as he stands up and wipes the sand off his ass.

"I love you!" Sunny chimes, not looking up from her book.

I wink at her. "You all love me so much, don't forget it. Where you headed blondie?" I watch as he gathers his board.

"Absolute rager on the cut. Gotta go claim my lucky girl of the night." He winks at us, throwing on a shirt.

"Poor girl," Sunny teases, looking up to wave her fingers goodbye.

"Tell me that after I'm done with her Rainy," Porter gives a shit eating grin, blowing us kisses as he leaves.

"Ew," Sunny wrinkles her nose, looking back down.

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