chapter three

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"So Cherry, tell me everything." Olly flashes me a bright smile.

"You really didn't miss much," I let out a small laugh, tapping my fingers anxiously.

I wish he didn't make me this nervous, but he does. He always has.

"Bullshit! I don't believe that, c'mon now." He teases, eyes flashing with curiosity.

The rain pounds on the rooftop, the wind whistling through the window panes. I look in his eyes, those brilliant ocean eyes. I feel like I'm drowning in his gaze, the air getting thick and caught in my lungs.

Focus Lav. Don't let him do this to you. Testosterone. Ew. Remember. Boys are gross. Stop.

I clear my throat, moving slightly back as I readjust my position on the couch.

"Well, my parents officially moved to Peru, so I've just been living off their pity money and a few shifts here and there," I shrug, scraping my mind for anything important enough to share.

"Any new boyfriends?" He inquired lightly. It was apparently obvious that he cares, but I pretended not to notice.

"God no," I laugh, looking out the window. If only he knew.

It's not that I haven't had boys express interest. There's been many, not to toot my own horn or anything. Charlie has just always been a mental block for me, as it was for me and Olly's relationship.

"How?!" Oliver's eyes grow large, and he respectively looks me up and down, gesturing as he does so to try and prove his point.

Respectively of course.

"I don't know! I haven't met anyone I've been interested in enough!" I defend.

"Charlie? Porter?" He continues.

Is it really so surprising that I don't have a boyfriend?

"Charlie is Charlie. Porter's a whore." I reason.

His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Weren't you and Charlie a thing...?"

"We weren't, no. I did like him at one point, but nothing ever came of it." I say awkwardly.

Like. Present tense. Love is honestly a better word. So stop getting distracted by this beautiful boy's eyes and focus.

Charlie is who you want Lavender. He is your end goal.

"Dude I'm so lost," He rubs his temple with a laugh. "Isn't that why we broke up?"

Awkward. Holy fuck. Okay.

"No, no, I would never do that to you," I tell him truly.

Olly silently mouths a little 'What?!" and shakes his head, blinking as he tries to process whatever he's thinking about.

"Welcome to my life and everything you missed! Now, your turn. What have I missed, Mr. Oliver Hamilton?" I cross my legs and sit facing him, picking up a pillow to hug to my chest.

"Well Ms. Lavender Rose, I've been going to school, which has been nice. The city's much different, louder, much more people. I've missed home though, missed the people that feel like home." He adds yet again.

Damn it. Stop emphasizing home and making me think you mean me.

Wait. That's a big assumption. Do I want him to mean me?

No. Of course not. We broke up. I broke up with him. 2 years ago. This is just a friendly visit.

Do I sound like I'm trying to convince myself?

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