chapter twelve

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"You're not going anywhere."

His words fill me with a cold dread, sobering me up faster than a full nights sleep. His tone is dark, sending straight shivers down my spine.

I really hope this isn't going where I think it's going.

This is Oliver. He might be hurting and a little of an asshole lately, but he wouldn't genuinely hurt me.


"Olly, what's going on? Just let me go." My words were meant to come out assertive, but they're dripping with fear.

He's unrecognizable at this moment, almost animalistic. I focus on my breathing while I look at him, trying to keep myself calm.

He wouldn't hurt me, he wouldn't hurt me, he wouldn't hurt me.

He looks pained, almost as if there's some internal struggle he's going through as he says his next words, "No, you can't even talk to me. I have to do this." He turns around and locks the door.

Have to do what?

While he locks the door, I quickly call Charlie.

Please pick up.

Right to voicemail. The one time I need his phone charged, damn it. I begin to look around the room for anything. An object to protect myself with, another door I could use to escape, anything.

"Oliver, I need to leave." I repeat urgently. I don't feel drunk anymore, but something is definitely wrong.

"No, I'm in charge now."

"What are you even talking about?" My breathing becomes shallower as he comes closer. He doesn't look like himself at all. "In charge of what?"

He pushes me against the bed, forcing me to sit. My heart drops the moment I hit the mattress.

"Cherry, you were supposed to be mine."

This is what this whole thing is about?

"I don't belong to anyone, I'm not an object Ol," I tell him. I can smell the vodka on his breath as he comes closer.

"You are mine."

"I'm not yours." I shake my head. "This needs to stop Ol,"

His demeanor changes into a violent one. "Shut up!"

"Please don't do this." I tremble, holding back tears with everything I have.

"I'm not doing anything to you. This is what it's supposed to be like. You and me"

"Please don't do this to me," My voice breaks.

"I'm not doing anything!" He shouts, and I flinch back.

He takes a deep breath, his voice becoming deathly calm. "It was supposed to be you and me. Don't you get it? But your heart was always his, wasn't it?"

"Oliver I loved you, I did. We just weren't right together," I say thickly.

"No you didn't!" He strikes my face, and I grab my cheek in shock. "We were right together Cherry. We were perfect."

"We obviously weren't, you cheated on me." I roll my eyes.

Not the time for a sassy comment Lav.

He pauses for a moment, staring me down. He doesn't move an inch, just stares into my eyes. I force myself to look away.

"Lay down."

"No, no no no, please, no" I sob, fighting to move. My energy changes quickly, from one with reason, to my fight or flight.

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