chapter eleven

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I woke up to Charlie's chest rising, and I would be lying if I said I haven't dreamt of this moment.

I look at him sleep, and he looks so peaceful, almost childish. His cheeks are rosy, his lips pulled into a little smile, and his long eyelashes flutter every so often.

I've always had an obsessive personality. When I was little, it was turtles. My room was filled of pictures, drawings, jewelry, and miniature statues of them.

In middle school, it was the guitar. I played it every night, took lessons every weekend. I knew all of my favorite songs and I even played at the coffee shop down the road from my house a few times.

It's been years, and I haven't touched it since.

As I'm staring at him, I pray that I will always love him this way. It sounds horrible, but there's a part of me that's afraid this is another phase.

What if I've been obsessed with the chase? The idea of him, loving him from afar knowing it wouldn't really happen.

I never want to feel different than I do in this moment. I want to love him like this forever.

Olly: i really want to talk to you.

I lay my head back on the pillow, breathing out a sigh. Ignoring him obviously doesn't work.

Me: Olly, I love Charlie. If you really want me to be happy, please just leave me alone.

I knew it was harsh, he's always been insecure of Charlie and I've never openly admitted that I love him.

I just need him to leave me alone. I don't hate him, but I'm indifferent. The boy that I love, my boy, is laying half on top of me right now.

Sleeping in my bed.

It's everything I have always wanted, and I don't want him to taint this moment.

"Good morning beautiful," I hear Charlie murmur raspily.

"Good morning lover," I look over at him and see him smile sleepily.

"I thought it was a dream." He states, laying his head on top of my chest.

I run my fingers through his soft hair, and he lets out a content noise. "Me too."

The door slams open, and Porter flips onto to us.

"Good morning sunshine's, bonfire keg party on the beach tonight!" He sings.

"How are you not hungover?" Charlie mutters, turning his face into the pillow.

"I don't get hungover, it's a gift." He responds smugly.

"More like a curse, you wouldn't drink so much if you had to deal with the consequences," I tease, booping his nose.

He scrunches his nose, batting my hand away. "I'm rich Lav, I don't have consequences."

I roll my eyes. "We know."

"Should I wear the white dress or the pink dress?" Sunny asks from the doorway, holding up two options.

"Pink." Porter looks up.

Me and Charlie share a knowing glance, smirking as we watch them argue.

"If you wanted to wear the white why did you ask?" Porter snaps.

"Damn princess okay, I'll wear the pink one." She laughs, walking out again.

"So princess, what color should I wear tonight?" Charlie mocks, Porter slapping his leg.

"Fuck you, ask your girl," He gets up and looks through my closet. "You should definitely wear the black one that shows your tits Lav."

"Hell no," Charlie complains, covering my already covered chest with his hands.

"Are you telling me what I can and cannot wear?" I gasp.

"This isn't the 1950's Murray." Porter shakes his head disapprovingly.

"You just told her to wear that one!" Charlie points at him.

"I said she should, not she has to or can't." Porter argues.

"Why are you even looking at her tits?"

"You're horrible, we're breaking up." I push him off the bed, and he falls to the floor with a thud.

"Technically I never asked you out." He calls from the floor.

"Get out," I laugh, leaning over the bed and giving him a kiss.

"I was literally defending you-"

"Ewww, lovebirds." Port covers his eyes, trying to walk out but smacking into the doorway.

"I love you," Charlie laughs from the floor.

"I love you more," I give him another kiss from on top of the bed, this one deeper.

I break away with a shriek as he pulls me to the ground with him.

"Bitch!" I practically cackle I'm laughing so hard.

"Lavvvv, we have to get readyyyy," Sunny appears again in the doorway and whines.

"What time is it?" I ask her, still staring at Charlie.

"It's 4:30, that's what happens when you're out in the late hours of the night."

"Okay Mom, I'm coming." I move to get up, but he holds me tighter.

"Don't take her away Sunny," He pleads playfully.

"Give me my girl back whore." She shoots.

"You're both mean girls." He says defeated.

"You chose us all those years ago," I say wistfully.

"Oh the nostalgia," He teases. "Should've gotten rid of you when I had the chance."



Sunny and I say in unison.

"Go away." He kisses my cheek, letting me get up.
"Please don't wear the black dress."

I did indeed wear the black dress.

He loved it.

The bonfire party got moved to someone's house, which is honestly smart. The last kegger we had on the beach resulted in 10 people going to jail for underage drinking.

It was definitely the richer part of town, the house was massive. Porter immediately ran to the beer when we arrived, and Sunny talked to an old friend that was in town for the week.

Charlie and I danced for a few minutes, but was whisked away by the football boys for a game of cup pong.

I mingled, taking a few shots and catching up with some people I haven't seen since school.

"So you and Charlie, are you like, dating?" Some blonde asked me, clearly disapproving.

"We are." I shoot her my sweetest smile, but narrow my eyes.

"Alright." As quick as she came, she was gone.


I look for a bathroom dizzily. I guess I'm more of a lightweight than I thought I was.

Fuck vodka.

I feel a familiar hand guiding me, and I smile knowing he's here.

"Char, I have to pee," I whine, but he says nothing.

"Charlie." I slur again.

He shushes me, and I feel a pit in my stomach. Something isn't right.

He pulls me into a room, shutting the door. This boy is blonde, he isn't Charlie.

"Who are you?" I begin to get afraid, and the room spins.

"Shhh, don't be scared, it's me." The boy says. It's Olly.

"Ol, just let me go, I need to find Charlie and go home." I try to push past him, but he steps closer in front of the door and grabs my arm.

"You aren't going anywhere."

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