chapter five

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"Why in the fuck are you here?" Charlie snaps, Oliver looking quite afraid.

What is his fucking problem?

"Hey hey hey, calm down, would you? What's going on?" I stand in front of him, grabbing his arm.

"That's what I'm asking." Charlie glares at the boy behind me.

"I'm back for the summer, I'm just visiting," Oliver says weakly.

Charlie laughs coldly. "You have no right to be here."

I scoff at his behavior, shocked by his outburst. He's never like this, he's usually the most easy going person I know.

"Hey man, I don't know what's going on-" Oliver starts, but is cut off immediately.

"Do you want to tell her, or do you want me to?" He interrupts.

"Tell her what?" Oliver lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Why you broke up." He states.

"Char hey, everything is alright, okay? Let's just keep calm." I grab his wrist gently, trying desperately to make him calm down and diffuse the situation.

His eyes softened when he looked down at me. He shook his head slowly, mouthing a quiet apology.

Curiosity sparked within me. What did these boys know that apparently involved me?

"I have no idea what he's talking about." Olly looked at me.


His nostrils flared, and he couldn't meet me directly in the eye.

"Tell me."

Charlie expression turned solemn, and he led me to the couch. As we sat, Olly sat in the chair next to us, and Charlie's eyes shot daggers at him.

"Last chance Oliver." He says, but Olly shrugs his shoulders.

Charlie took a deep breath, grabbing my hand and holding it gently. "Lav, I'm sorry I had to tell you this because this piece of shit doesn't care enough to be honest with you."

"Hey now," Oliver warned, his tone becoming sharp.

"Shut the fuck up." Charlie responded, not even sparing him a look.

"Charlie." My hands begin shaking, and he grips them tighter. He runs his thumb along my hand soothingly, attempting to calm me down.

As he opens his mouth, I inhale deeply. I can't even deny it, I'm scared as fuck. There was obviously something going on, and I quickly look to Oliver.

His face is white, his eyes widened anxiously. He knows what Charlie is about to tell me, and it didn't seem good.

"He cheated on you."

My heart drops. I stare into Charlie's eyes blankly, not understanding what he's saying.

Oliver cheated on me.

"How long?" My voice comes out as a whisper, meeting my ex boyfriends gaze again.


"How long?" I force my words to come out stronger, louder.

"4 months."

4 months. 4 months of kisses, hugs, laughter. 4 months of things he didn't mean. 4 months of lies.

"What's her name?" I ask, surprisingly calm.

"Kenny, but listen she means nothing anymore-"

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