chapter seven

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I'm awaken by a knock at my door.

"Lav?" I hear my moms quiet voice ring through the room.

I sit up slowly, leaning back against the headboard and rubbing my eyes.

Mom walks in softly, closing the door behind her. She sits on the bed and pats my leg.

"We're heading out, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She whispers, her face illuminated by the fairy lights hanging up on the wall across from her.

"I'll be okay Mom, it's only two weeks." I smile.

"I know I know, we just worry." She responds.

"So don't," I shrug.

I wasn't going to tell her, but I couldn't wait to be on my own for two weeks. Parties, staying out late, all the food I want in the fridge.

Olly was even spending the night tomorrow. I have absolutely no problems with no parents around.

"I left you my card to get whatever you need, it's on the kitchen table."

I hear the door open again, and I squint through the harsh hallway lights.

"We're sure gonna miss you pumpkin," My dad pouts, coming in and sitting next to Mom.

"I'm going to miss you guys too!" I laugh, lurching forward to hug them both from behind.

They both reach up to meet my embrace.

"Now go, you're going to miss your flight!" I point to the door.

"Are you kicking us out?" My dad feigns offense, grasping at his chest.

"Yes, the house is mine now. Shoo, let me sleep." I lay back down.

"I love you," They sing in unison, standing up.

I blow them a kiss as my door shuts.

The air feels colder.



The only thing I could feel is cold. A type of paralyzing cold that radiated throughout my entire body.

I tremble and desperately try to curl myself into a ball, to feel any warmth again.


I'm laying on sand.

It was wet and hard and very uncomfortable. I wonder if it's in my hair.

What am I doing in sand?

Forcing my eyes open, I see 3 concerned pairs of eyes staring back at me.

My friends. Charlie, Sunny, Porter. A drop of rain gets in my eye, and I shut them again.

At least they're here. Do they know I'm in sand?

"She's awake, she's breathing." Porter sighs in relief.

"Let's move her," I hear Charlie say, but it sounds like he's down a tunnel.

Please get me off the sand.

I felt myself being lifted up into the backseat of my car.

"I'll sit in the back with her."

"I can drive."

"Dude you just hit your head on a rock you're not driving,"

"Be so fucking real right now bro-"

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