chapter eight

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I opened my eyes to the harsh sunlight. The memories from yesterday hit me, and I can't help but laugh.

You're probably thinking I'm crazy, and I won't deny it, but the whole thing really is sort of funny.

I can still feel the sand granules on me, and I don't think I have ever gotten out of bed faster.

Time to shower!

I wash off all the bad mojo from yesterday swag with the sand and down the drain. Today is going to be a good day. They promised me we would go to the boardwalk, and I was going to make sure that happened.

I step out and wrap myself in a towel before grabbing my phone and texting the group chat.

Me: meet at my house in an hour for boardwalk day!

Porter: we actually have to do that?

Sunny: don't you wanna rest?

Charlie: be there in an hour.

Porter: fuck you murray now we all have to go

Charlie: you wanna fuck rn? we have an hour

Sunny: boys boys let's take a breath here

Porter: i wanna take his breath

Charlie: you already do ;)

Sunny: we'll all be there in an hour Lav.

I roll my eyes as I close my phone.

I put some makeup on, nothing too flashy, and my favorite boardwalk dress. I was going to talk to Charlie today, and I needed all the confidence I could get.

I admire myself in the mirror. The red and white checkered dress flatters my figure, and I smile widely.

Today is going to be a good day. I just felt it.

I clean the house a little, stopping when I hear the front door slam open.

"We're here!" Porter screeches.

"Shut up bro," Sunny sighs, shooting him a disapproving look as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Hey Lav." Charlie waves lazily, yawning.

"Wake up Char, It's boardwalk day!" I cheese at him, double tapping his face and walking out the door.

The energy was there today. They follow, of course, right to the shitty van.

"Why do we never take your car?" I whine. Porter's shiny new black BMW was sitting in the street in front of my house.

"Nah." He answers simply, opening the backseat door.

"Alright," I shake my head, jumping into the drivers seat. Sunny takes her usual passenger spot and aux cord.

When we get to the boardwalk, it's busy with its usual tourists. Me and Porter immediately sprint to the basketball game.

"You're going down." He throws a 5 dollar bill at the worker, who looks at us with slight fear in his eyes.

He remembers the great showdown of last year.

We were 1-1, and Porter had beaten me by one point. I took the basketball that was in my hand and threw it at his face, and Charlie had to pull us apart.

"Don't worry..." I look down at his name tag. "Jake, we've matured."

"I really hope so," He laughs, unlocking the game.

"3, 2, 1..." The countdown begins, and we begin throwing.

My heart was pounding as I desperately tried to keep him with his shots. My competitive instinct kicked in, and I began throwing my balls at his instead.

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