chapter two

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"Fuck me, I can't get it in the hole." Charlie groaned.

For the last two hours, we've been sitting on the floor of this smoothie shop trying to make a mass production of bracelets for the school craft sale.

As each year graduates, the school gets worse. It becomes more run down, we have less supplies, more teachers are leaving.

I'm not sure if this will help, but it can't hurt?

"That's what she said!" Porter shouts proudly, mouth full of french fries.

He doesn't feel the need to help. He claims he wouldn't give 'the slightest rats ass if the school crumbled to the ground'.

His dumbass would cry like a baby.

"Dude, you do not get to talk if you aren't gonna help," Charlie snapped, throwing his poorly made bracelet at him and standing up.

"Daddy's mad," Porter attempts to piss him off more. He crinkles his nose and Charlie balls his hands into fists.

"Shut the fuck up." He grumbles. I swear a vein is about to pop out of his forehead.

"What are you gonna do, punish me? I'm straight but I'd be into it," The blonde boy winked.


Charlie takes Porter's plate of fries and tosses it in the garbage.

"There are starving children in Africa, Charles! I know you're mad but shit, that's just inconsiderate," He continues to nag.

Charlie shoots him a warning look, and I share a look with Sunny as we both hold back a laugh.

"Don't flip your shit Charlie, just leave. We're almost finished anyway and we'll drop them off at the school," I dismiss him, and he doesn't hesitate to leave with the slam of the door.

"Dramatic ass," Porter chuckles.

"You didn't have to push him like that you know," I comment as he sits down, beginning to fix the bracelet Charlie threw at him.

He easily slips the thread through the hole, continuing the motion. Of course he's good at bracelets, Jesus.

"He just needs to get some, that's why he's so uptight." Porter says, and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"He doesn't get any?" I ask, trying to seem less intrigued than I truly was.

He gives me the side eye. Fuck. "He does not. Why do you want to know?"

"I honestly don't care," I shrug it off, focusing extra hard on the bracelet in front of me.

"You do or you wouldn't have asked." He pushes.

"Don't answer a question with a question. It's rude you know." I try to deflect.

"Lav, why are you acting so weird?" I can hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm not. Why are you so annoying?" I answer defensively.

"Don't answer a question with a question." He repeats.

"You like him, don't you?" Porter laughs.

"I absolutely do not." I gasp. "How absurd."

"She does." Sunny chimes in.

I glare at her. "You traitor."

"So you do!" He puts the now finished bracelet down and jumps up excitedly, pointing a finger at me.

"I never said that." I respond simply.

"Holy shit, I should've seen this coming," He shakes his head, but looks like a kid on Christmas morning.

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