,,Chapter Four,,

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The piercing wind hits your face, causes tears to leak from your eyes for a brisk moment until it abruptly stops. You realize that for the few seconds that you were in the air, you closed your eyes tightly and nuzzled into Hunters back. He clears his throat and helps you off the staff.

You open your eyes to see an elegant painted sky, orange seeping, into pink, as the baby blue slowly blossoms from below. The faint traces of stars are left in the sky waiting for the sun to overtake them while fluffy clouds watch from the outskirts of the dazzling heaven above you. The smell of fresh spring air overtakes your senses, and your shoulders begin to relax under the influence of the cool breeze.

"Wow.." is all you can muster while staring at the gorgeous site. You look down and finally realize that your on the cool balcony of a tower attached to the castle. It's over grown with vines and shrubbery, with dirty stone leading to the inside of the tower, protected by old stained glass doors. He flew me all the way over here? You think to yourself as you stare at your bedroom window on the opposite side of the the castle.

"No one comes to this tower anymore. I kinda just.. I come here when I need a minute to breath.." his sentence trails off as he stares into the distances. Lost, thinking of a different time. You desperately wonder what goes on in his head before you push the thoughts away. He's only your friend because he's the only one around. He feels the exact same way about you. A spike of sadness goes through you as you think the words. You brush it off and try to make conversation, "So how'd you find this place anyhow?"

You and Hunter become locked deeply a conversation about how he discovered the abandoned tower while learning how to ride a staff for the first time and crash landing into the small stone area. The conversation shifts to riding staff, too your small fear of heights, too how long you've both been at the castles.

You talk for what feels like minutes but what turns into an hour. His conceited outer shell slowly melts away to show a sarcastic, teenage boy who desperately wants friends. "Say, don't you have to work today?" You ask, a small feeling of disappointment rising when you remember he has to leave. "Actually it's my day off." He smiles and moves to the end of the stone balcony, studying the view of late afternoon. You follow him to the edge of the stone tower, hands accidentally brushing up against each other as you stand.

You feel a faint heat rise in your face and look away, followed by a long uncomfortable silence. "Uh, hey!" He exclaims, as if just remembering something. He takes out a rusted gold key, "If you ever want to come here without me, you can have the key. I don't need it anymore because of my staff but... oh, it is a long walk though." You laugh and take the key, "Thanks goldie. I usually don't have anything to do on my days off anyways. Well, I had no one to talk to until you," you admit, sheepishly. "Ah, what would you do without me?" He teases and laughs. He has a really nice smile. You think to yourself. His grin is a huge contrast to the usual serious, tired expression he wears everyday. Its nice. It'd be nice if he smiled more.. your cheeks slightly heat up.


The next few weeks fly by. You finally have something to look forward to now that you have Hunter and the tower. You had an entirely new perspective as you walked through the hallways now, the castle seemed brighter, the birds seemed to sing louder, more people had smiling faces, all because of your blonde friend.

As you turn the corner to entire your bedroom, you see something that completely darkens your mood. A guard dressed in silver stands outside your door, rocking up and down on their feet. Whatever that guy wants, it can't be good. You think to yourself as you approach the door.

You take a deep breath and approach the man. "Uh," you stutter as you tap him on the shoulder. The man jumps back to look at you. "Oh uh, the emperor wants to see you." He explained, gesturing that you follow him. You feel dread rise in your throat. What could the emperor possibly want from you?

Golden Love ,, Golden Guard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now