Chapter 10

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After some time, Two-Bit and Soda leave to go get cigarettes.

"Anything spasific Y/n?" Two-Bit asks at the door

"Hmm... See if they have F/c" (F/c is Favorite candy)

"Got it" he leaves

So, we keep talking about my escape from Dally and Darry when a knock on the door interrupts us. Darry gets up and looks through the peep hole to see who it is.

"Y/n, it's your dad"

"Great" I say as I roll my eyes and get up.

"Hide in my room," Darry says. "Dally might be asleep so don't make noise, ok?"

"Ok" I say as I get into the hall and walk to Darry's room.

I get to the room and open the door, Dally's asleep on the... floor?

I just stand there, confused out of my mind why he's asleep on the floor. So I get onto the bed and lay down. I'm not going to fight with Dally on getting up off the floor. He's too heavy and he'd wake up and try to fight me anyway.

I just lay on the bed and I can hear my dad having a stern conversation with Darry.

"Is she here?" he asks

"No, why?" Darry says

"Cuz I saw her walk over here and I wanted to make sure she's ok"

"She's fine when she got over here, then left with Two-Bit and Soda to go get some smokes. They'll be back in about five to ten minuets; if you're willing to wait." Darry's tone changed a bit. Not to much to sound like he was giving my dad trouble though.

"Please call me when she get's-"

"She wouldn't want you to know she was back. She'd never-" Pony says

"Pony! We don't tell him that. Keep your mouth shut before you get into more trouble with me got it?"

"Yes sir"

I can hear a struggle at the door.

"Sir, she isn't here. Please leave"

"She'd never go get smokes with-" My dad was cut off my someone pulling him away from Darry. Well, that's what it sounded like

"Now Mr. L/n. She isn't here. Please leave Darry alone." It was Two-Bit. The lie Darry made was going to get blown.

"Where's my daughter!" My dad says

"With Soda at the corner store still. I was asked to go back to get more on Soda's cash cuz we might run short." Oh thank god two-Bit knew to go along with the lie. Holly crap this could have gone bad.

"Which corner store?" My dad asks

"Why should I tell you?" Two-Bit asks

"Because-" With-in seconds I hear my dad get yelled at my my step mom.


With in seconds, the front door's shut and my names called. And as I get up, something grabs my ankle. I look down and see Dally looking up at me, holding my ankle.

"Can you let go?" I ask

"Why?" Idiot question

"I need to leave"

"Why?" He asks again

Darry opens the door and both Dally and myself look at him.

"help" I say to Darry

"Uhhh, can't?"

"Why?" Now I sound dumb

"Uhh does he has a grip on you?"


"Then jump"

"What will jumping do?"

"He'll let go"

"How do-"

"Just do it"

I jump and I'm pulled immediately down on my face and I hear a thud. I lift my head up to see Darry laughing and I hear people run down the haul.

"What happened?" Pony asked

"I told her to jump since Dally way holding on to her ankle and he pulled her flat on her face when she did it"

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