Chapter 7

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I woke up early to find Dally laying on my chest. I stare at him for 20 seconds, then look around the room to see if anyone is around. Darry was standing over us.

"H-hey Darry. I just woke up to find him here."

"I can see that"

"Can you get him off of me?" I ask

"Nope. He's too heavy. Besides, I've called you out of school since you were still asleep when school started"

"What time is it?" I ask

"3 in the afternoon," Pony says "I got your homework for you. There isn't much. I hate Senior classes. The kids are such dicks."

"They're socs Pony, of course they're dicks"

I hear Dally groan as he adjusts himself on my chest. He's sleeping on the blanket that I'm kinda wrapped in.

"Please don't tell my dad Darry"

"I won't. He'll be more upset with me than with you because I did nothing to get him off of you. And besides, he hasn't slept like this in a while anyway" Darry says with a smile

What the hell does that mean? He hasn't slept like this in a while? How would he know? Oh well.

I just continue to stare at the ceiling.

Eventually, Darry turns the tv on for me and Pony decides to sit right in front of me on the floor to watch tv with me. I say nothing and go back to staring at the ceiling.

I close my eyes and drift back into sleep. Can't get up and eat anything because Dallas is laying on me anyway.


I wake up and I feel no weight on top of me. I sit up and look around and it's night.

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask myself aloud.

"About 4 hours," Darry says from the kitchen.

"Where did Dallas go?" I ask in confusion

"It took about half an hour but he's in my room, asleep. Still"


"Are you hungry?" He asks

"I mean, I haven't eaten since yesterday. So yeah, I'm kinda hungry"

"I don't need sas from you ma'am"

"I'm just hungry and that's making me a bit angry. You know, about a 170 lbs young adult was laying on me almost all day making me not able to move, it's kinda hard. At least I got enough sleep"


I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. Both Darry and myself look at the haul to see a very sleepy Dally at the end of it.

"Hey Darry?" He sounds so tired

"Yeah Dally?"

"Is Y/n still here?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can she join me in your room to sleep?"

"Can I eat a meal first?" I ask

"Oh you're awake? Thought you'd still be sleeping." He sounds more awake

"You fell asleep on me, I couldn't move you off of me even if I tried. I'm strong, but not that strong"

He just stared at me for about 30 seconds, then walked over to the couch.

"I'm not that heavy Y/n" He says to me

"You are to me" I say as I get up off the couch

I made it into the kitchen as Dallas took a second to process what I just did.

*Time skip*

After I ate, Dally took me into Darry's room. I tried to get Darry's help, but I didn't get very much help.

"Let it happen. He'll get over this and forget about it. If he try's anything else, hauler my name ok?"

Now, I'm laying in Darry's bed, facing the door with Dallas behind me. If I wait long enough, I can get out of this room.

Eventually, he fell asleep. I slip out of bed and walk up to the door and I hear him groan as he turns over. I quietly open the door. I slip out and close the door quietly behind me. I tip toe out into the living room and I see Darry still up.

"Oh hey Y/n, thought you where already asleep"

"He fell asleep faster"

"You still wanna sleep on the couch?"

"Hell yeah. Where will you sleep?"

"On the floor next to the couch. I need to make sure Dally doesn't try and cuddle you again"

How sweet.

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