Chapter 21

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"Hello?" It was Darry

"Hey Darry, it's Y/n. I'm at the ER with Dally. He's ok. Just got out of surgery. They had to remove the bullet he was shot with. He's stable."

"How'd you find him? We went out to where we heard the shot and the cops were there, studded"

"Heard were the cop sirens where and found him instantly"

"Ok. We'll be down there in a minute"

"Got it"

*Time skip*

Everyone gets there and we're all in the waiting room. I did call my dad after Darry hung up. he's busy with work and will drop by to pay whatever bill there is to pay.I begged him not to and that I'd find a way to get the money but he said it was an apology for not believing me about my step-mom cheating.

"He's ready for people to see him." A nurse comes out and says

Everyone but me gets up and files in. I just sit there, staring at the floor.

"Y/n L/n? He really wants to see you." She says

"Hm?" I look up at her

"Dallas really wants to see-"

"Y/n," Pony peaks out the door. "Dally's asking about you"

I stand up and thank the nurse. I walk into the room and everyone's standing around his bed.



"Thank you"

"Not a problem. I have to get a new passenger seat cuz of the blood, but I'll do that later."

Everyone gives a bit of a chuckle.

"I am not wrong"


My dad shows up and pays his bill.

"How is he?" My dad peaks into the room

"he's sleeping and I'm ready to got home"

"I'll take your truck back and your dad can drive your home if you want Y/n" Darry says

I throw him the keys and leave with my dad.


We get home and all of my stuff is outside in the grass. Darry pulls in next to my dad in the driveway and we all get out of both vehicles.

"What the fuck?" my dad says

"I'm sick and tired of- oh honey! You're home early. I was just doing a bit of cleaning for my new storage room. Your daughter's moving out once she graduates so I thought she could leave a bit early!"

Darry starts helping me with my stuff and bringing it back to the house. None of my pictures on the wall are gone but almost everything in my room was outside. The bed was left when we got to my room. As well as the boxes under the bed, in the closet and on the floor. They have memories of my mom and old things I haven't gotten rid of because of memories.

"You can't do this to her! My daughter gets to choose when she leaves or if she wishes to stay and help me!I'm divorcing you because what she says about you is clicking in my mind! you're cheating on me and that isn't fair to me or her"


"Don't babe me. You have people over while I'm away and you have them lock her out of her childhood home! Call one of them up and have them get you because you are no longer welcome in my house!" My dad slams the door.

"Dad?" I walk back out into the living room

"I'm sorry I brought her into your life. She is an awful women and I wish I saw it sooner"

"It's ok. Really dad. She was mean and it sucks it took you this long to find it out."

He'd brought the rest of my stuff in and Darry helped me reorganize my room. I kept it the same. It's been this way since I was little and it will stay this way until my dad dies and I get the house.

I think about my mom a lot and wonder if she forgives him for the choices he's made. I guess, i'll never really know until I die myself.

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