Chapter 1

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'You can't tell yet,' said Stuart Bennett as he walked into the bathroom and gave his wife Sophie a kiss on the back of her head,

'I know, but I'm going to check every day until I am showing,' she replied smiling, 'I think I had implantation pains today,' she told him,

'That's normal though isn't it?'

'Apparently it's very common in the first few weeks of pregnancy as the embryo implants and your womb gets ready,' Stuart came up behind her and wrapped his arms around Sophies waist and kissed her neck.

'You sound like a textbook, bookworm!' he teased,

'Hey!' she looked at her husband in the mirror, his broad shoulders, hair a soft brown, framing his square face, 

'Have you got any pain now?' he asked her, continuing his kisses down across the top of her shoulder,

'No,' said Sophie slowly, 'I know what you're angling for, but I'm too tired,'

'Spoilsport,' he replied as he released his grip, Sophie padded wearily to the bathroom to clean her teeth and take off her make-up. By the time she returned Stuart was already under the covers, the bedside light casting its peculiar shapes across the artex ceiling. Slipping out of her clothes and into her pyjamas, tartan red trousers and a cream vest. Sophie snuck in under the duvet, Stuart rolled over and draped an arm lazily across her shoulder,

'Night sweetheart,'

'Sweet dreams,' replied Sophie planting a kiss on her husbands' forehead as he fell almost instantly asleep. Sophie reached over him and turned off the bedside light,

'Every single night!' she muttered,

'Mmff?' mumbled Stuart, but his response garnered no reply from Sophie, checking her usual alarm was set for work tomorrow she settled back to go to sleep, trying to ignore the gentle twitch in her abdomen.

'Oww' thought Sophie, her hand clambering over her bedside table to find her phone,

'3.17, what the hell,'

Another cramp washed over her, she clasped her hand to her abdomen, the floor creaked slightly underfoot as she made her way to the bathroom.

'You ok?' she heard her husband Stuart mumble as she left the room,

'Yeah, fine' she replied, she reached the bathroom and fumbled for the light cord,

'Where the hell is..ah,' she said finding the string, she covered her eyes against the too bright light that now flooded the tiny bathroom. The door squeaked as she shut it behind her, Sophie pulled her pyjama trousers down slowly.

'Oh god, shit, oh god, oh god,' sitting on the toilet she stared at the blood in the trousers, another wave of pain hit her,

'Oww, oh god, Stuart' she called out for her husband, no reply, Sophie began to weep.

'Stuart!' she called a little louder. Footsteps came from the landing, the floorboards creaking more loudly this time, a small knock on the door came,

'Sweetheart are you ok?' her husband Stuart,

'Come in it's not locked,' she replied, the door squeaked loudly as he opened it,

'Sophie? what's going on?' he asked her, rubbing an eye with the heel of his palm.

'I think I'm losing the baby,' she replied, and began sobbing, she rested her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands. Her chestnut hair fell around her like a curtain.

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