Chapter 20

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Monday morning at work Sophie tried her best to concentrate but failed miserably. Ever practical and thinking of all possible scenarios, Sophie decided it was a good idea to book a cheap hotel. The Kernow account could wait, she thought opening a new tab and searching. It only took her 5 minutes to book a relatively central hotel for 2 nights, that way if the date with Will was a bust she could spend the weekend visiting galleries and museums. The rest of the week passed more slowly than she thought was possible. On Tuesday evening Sophie had packed a small overnight bag with essentials to take with her and by Friday had repacked it multiple times.

She had taken a half-day and after finishing at lunchtime she rushed back to her flat, stomaching flipping over whenever she thought about him.

'Dress, shoes, make up, lingerie, toothbrush,' Sophie ran through the list to make sure she had anything, once she got on the train it was too late. Her phone chirped,

Message from Mya: How you feeling?

She tapped a reply, 'Feel sick, nervous as hell, arghhhh! X'

'Babe you can DO THIS! Just enjoy it! X'

'Easy for you to say,' Sophie said to herself, underneath the nerves she was beyond excited, still unable to quite believe that she was going to meet Will again, with those beautiful blue-eyes. Satisfied she had everything she needed Sophie headed out the door to the train station.

The hotel was near Leicester square, the room was basic but comfortable, even with her over prepared-ness it still took her longer to get ready than she expected. Almost ready she put on her best lipstick and checked herself,

'Not bad Sophie, not bad at all,' readjusting the lacy underwear one last time she left her room and headed to the lobby.  As soon as the lift doors opened she saw him and was certain she was going to be sick on the spot, Will stopped dead his eyes wide, as a huge grin spread across his face

'Sophie!' he made up the space between them with a few quick strides and pulled her into a hug, the feel of his body next to hers dissolved any nerves that had been bubbling up inside her, and the nausea vanished in pure bliss,

'Hey you,' she replied, she breathed him in, that same spicy concoction making her heart skip, he pulled away,

'You look incredible,' his grin reaching his ears, Sophie blushed she had worn a little more make up than usual with a subtle smokey eye, she had kept her hair loose and curled it gently, it had brought out the shine in her chestnut hair and it sparkled in the brights lights of the cheap hotel lobby.

'Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself,' she replied surveying the sight in front of her. Will wore a simple dark navy suit with a fine herringbone pattern and a crisp white shirt open at the collar, she had to resist the urge to fan herself. His dark brown hair was still short, presumably from filming but he had just the right amount of stubble, Sophie's stomach lurched with lust, heat burning between her legs. The temptation to grab his hand and drag him up to her hotel room flashed through her mind, surprising her.

'Shall we?' said Will, Sophie nodded and he hailed a black cab, Will opened the door for her and gave the driver instructions that she didn't catch, they settled together in the back, the well worn seats conveniently bringing them closer together so their legs touched.

'It's so lovely to see you Sophie,' said Will, 'I've thought about you a lot the last couple of months but, I guess I wanted to give you some space to deal with everything you had going on,' he ran his hand through his hair, was he nervous?

'Thank you, I needed it, it's been hard but I'm so glad it's nearly all sorted, I was so pleased when you called,' she replied, he smiled at her again, causing another stomach flip. Sophie wished she had had a stiff drink before heading out,

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