Chapter 21

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They finally fell asleep at nearly 2am sated and exhausted from their love making, Will pulled Sophie close as they fell asleep, their naked bodies entwined together.

Sophie was awoken by a gentle nudge, she rolled over and was confused for a few seconds as she got her bearings, looking around the unfamiliar room. Then the memory of last night hit her and she beamed, she rubbed her eyes and found Will sat on the edge of the bed,

'Morning gorgeous,' he said leaning down to plant a kiss on her lips,

'Good morning, what time is it?' replied rubbing her eyes,

'Half 10,' he replied,

'Half 10! Woah, I haven't slept that late in, for I don't even know how long,' she replied smiling, 'How long have you been up?' she asked,

'A while,' he admitted with the look of a guilty schoolboy on his face,

'You should have woken me!' said Sophie giving him a nudge,

'Nah, you looked so peaceful and beautiful plus I wouldn't have been able to organise my surprise,' said Will excitedly,


'Yes, it's in the kitchen,' said Will grinning, Sophie threw back the duvet and picked up her dress from the floor,

'I probably have something comfier to wear if you would like?' Will said jumping up from the bed and went to the chest of drawers,

Rummaging through what Sophie presumed was his pants drawer he declared,

'Aha, I knew these would come in handy one day,' he held up a 3 pack of cotton boxer shorts in shades of pale pink from Marks & Spencer,

'Present from an aunt, 2 sizes too small, never got round to returning them!' he explained, Sophie laughed, pulling apart the packet she chose the pair with flowers on,

'Thank you, can i, can I wear your shirt?' she asked picking it up off the floor.

'Of course,' he replied, Sophie picked up the shirt and slipped it on,

'I've always wanted to do this,' she said smiling at him,

'Do what?' he asked,

'Wear the guys shirt from the night before, like in the movies, I've always thought it looked kinda,'

Sexy?, most definitely,' he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist, he peppered kisses on her neck as she did up the shirt buttons,

'God I want to pull you back into bed so badly,' Will growled smiling at her, 'But you need to come see your surprise,' Sophie raised an eyebrow at him,

'You'll like it I promise, come on!'

Will grabbed Sophies hand and started leading her downstairs to the kitchen, practically skipping down the stairs,

'I made you breakfast!' he declared with a flourish as they entered the kitchen dining room. Sophie couldn't believe her eyes the counter was covered in food: croissants, pastries, fresh fruit, bacon, assorted boxes of cereals, there was even a teapot with an amusing London Bus shaped cosy on it as well as a jug of orange juice.

'Wow,' exclaimed Sophie, 'This hotel is great, I'm definitely staying here again!' she proclaimed, 'This is amazing, thank you,' she wrapped her arms around his neck, reaching up to kiss him,

'You're welcome, I just thought you deserved something special,' he replied planting a gentle kiss on her lips, 'Now important question tea or coffee? Or both even?' he asked gesturing to the Mokka pot bubbling on the hob,

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