Chapter 7

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Claire the counsellor was based on the top floor of a 3-storey terraced house in Winchester town centre, Sophie passed a solicitor, a tax return specialist and a aromatherapy masseur's offices before reaching Claire on the top floor. There was a single chair sat outside the door on the tiny landing, a sliding sign on the door said 'Engaged,' a laminated sign blue-tacked to the door underneath it instructed clients to take a seat and wait if the sign read 'Engaged'. Sophie did as she was told and sat on the chair, the thick green utility fabric gave way as she sat down making a sighing noise. Reaching into her bag she pulled out her E-reader and tried to concentrate on the book she was reading, a DCI Crowley novel. 5 minutes later the door opened and a small man with wispy hair came out thanking a tall blonde woman as he went.

'Sophie?,' the blonde woman said to her, Sophie nodded, 'Claire, nice to meet you,' she held her hand out for Sophie to shake,

'You too,' Sophie replied, Claire gestured her into the room,

'Please sit down, make yourself comfortable,' As she sat down the chair wasn't quite as soft as it looked, leaving her sitting in a more upright position than she expected, Sophie felt like she was in the headmasters office at school waiting to be reprimanded.

'Now, are you feeling happy and safe to talk with me today?,' asked Claire, Sophie glanced around the small office, its walls were white, a few non-descript prints of sunrises and forests punctuated the walls. A pale wood bookcase holding a selection of books stood against one wall, Sophie couldn't read the titles from where she was sat but could imagine what they said.

'Yes, I think so although I'm not quite sure where to start,' she said wringing her hands,

'That's ok, how about I tell you about myself first? I've been counselling for 10 years now, I used to work in high level finance in London, it got too stressful and I decided I wanted to make a difference. I've come to specialise in baby loss bereavement through several women that have come to me for support, how about you tell me what made you decide to come to counselling,'

'I wasn't going to come, I didn't think I needed it but my mum convinced me it was a good idea,' Sophie took a deep breath and started,

'And why did your mother think it was a good idea?' Claire asked, her tone so even and temperate,

'She thought it would be good for to speak to someone to help me deal with my feelings,'

'And you didn't think it was a good idea?'

'I wasn't sure how it would help, but I agreed to give it a go,'

'Well let me reassure you that everything we discuss in here is confidential, there is no judgement, you can say whatever you like, although I do have to tell you that I have a duty to report any situation where I feel you may be in danger or vulnerable, does that all sound ok?'

'Yes, I think so,' said Sophie, Claire nodded,

'Great, ok so where do you want to start,' asked Claire

'I have no idea where to start,' said Sophie clenching her hands in her lap,

'Start at the beginning, you mentioned when you phoned, that you experienced a baby loss, would you like to tell me more about that,' said Claire gently, trying to tease the information from Sophie,

'Well I guess it all started when I found out I was pregnant last year and I lost the baby at 6 weeks, I woke up in the middle of the night in pain, it was horrible,'

'I'm so sorry to hear that,' Claire said simply, nodding at her to continue,

'Then I got pregnant again quite soon after, this time I made it to 12 weeks but when we went to our scan,' Sophie paused, her eyes brimmed, Claire passed her a box of tissues and she took one,

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