Chapter 16

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Sat in the departure lounge of Charles de Gaulle airport Sophie pondered life,

'We should do this more often,' she said to Mya

'Sounds great to me, where next?'

'No, I mean it, as part of the new me I shall be prioritising things I want to do and one of those things is more trips like this,'

'I like that idea a lot,' said Mya giving her hand a small squeeze, 'So where next?'

'How about Iceland?'

'Wonderful idea,' Replied Mya,

Sophie phone chirped. Message from Will: Hope you had a great time in Paris? X.

'We had the BEST time, just waiting for our plane, how are you? X'

'Who are you messaging?' asked Mya noticing the grin on Sophie's face,

'Oh, no one,' lied Sophie,

'You're texting Will aren't you,' Mya waggled her eyebrows at Sophie,

'It drives me crazy when you do that!' she told her,

'Do what? This?' said Mya her eyebrows as exaggerated as she could manage, they both fell into fits of laughter.

Will replied 'Not too bad considering, thanks x'

'Come on you lunatic our gates up,' said Sophie finally as they drudged sadly towards the plane taking them home.

Several hours later after a missed train and miserable bus replacement service, Sophie finally turned the key in the lock to her mothers house and pushed the door open as quietly as she could. She closed it gently and listened, no sound, Janet must be in bed already she thought. Exhausted but still buzzing from their trip Sophie made herself a coffee and checked the time, 23.14, too late to phone him?. She pulled out her phone, her stomach lurched as she scrolled the phone book and found Will's number, taking a deep breath she dialled. It rang and after 4 rings Will picked up,

'Hey Sophie, nice to hear from you, you made it back ok,'

'I did, in one piece too despite Mya's best efforts, have I caught you at a bad time or anything?' she asked him.

'No, not at all, I'm pleased you called actually, tell me about the rest of your trip,'

'Really? I'm not going to bore you senseless,'

'No please, I need to talk to an adult about something other than funerals,' Will joked although Sophie could hear pain in his voice,

'Ok, well don't say I didn't warn you!' said Sophie as she began to regale him with tales of their trip to the Sacre Coeur, getting lost on the metro, Mya's waiter booty call. 'It was just what I needed to be honest, to get away,'

'I'm sure, can I ask what happened,' said Will tenderly, 'If you don't want to it's,' but Sophie interrupted him,

'No, it's fine, he confessed to cheating on me with a woman from work and got her pregnant,' Sophie blurted it out as quickly as she could, like ripping off a plaster.

'Jesus, I'm so sorry, what a bastard,' Will felt a flash of anger ignite in him.

'Yep, he is that, I'm starting to realise though that I wasn't happy, not really. As Mya put it we were on two different emotional levels, and after I lost the babies we basically couldn't communicate with each for shit,' said Sophie.

'Babies?' said Will in a small voice,

'Oh yeah,' Sophie rubbed her hand across her face and felt foolish for going into so much details, she paused, Will waited patiently, 'I had 2 miscarriages last year, I didn't cope with them very well, although I'm not really sure how you are supposed to, he, Stuart, didn't cope with them at all,'

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