Chapter 3

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Sophie pushed open the front door wearily. She kicked off her shoes and poured a glass of wine. She was just settling on the sofa when her phone sprang to life her familiar plinky ringtone 'Mya'

'Hey Mya,'

'Hey babe, how was your first day back?'

'Could have been worse, thanks for remembering,'

'Of course, did Colin say anything?' she asked, remembering Mya's obstinate co-worker,

'He did actually, cheek of him, he asked why I had been off sick,'

'What did you tell him?'

'I was going to tell him to mind his own business, but I told him it was women's problems, that soon shut him up, he practically ran off,'

'Hah brilliant, you should have told him the truth he would have felt even more awkward,' said Mya,

'Oh god no, I don't want that idiot knowing my business, I haven't told anyone at work apart from my boss Eve,'

'You should talk about it, it's so common, I've been reading up on it, did you know 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage and no-one bloody talks about it it's crazy,'

'It is, but I'm still not telling Colin!'

'Good point, Stuart home?'

'Nah, still at work will be for a while yet, how have you been?'

'Sold a painting today, went on a date with a gorgeous Brazilian lady called Sasha on Friday night,'

'Did you? You kept that quiet,'

'I have some secrets, not many I grant you but occasionally,' replied Mya laughing,

'And, how was it?'

'She was a lot fun, she's only just gone home actually,'

'You are something else Mya!'

'Look just because I have a more interesting sex life than you, don't hate,'

'Oh god I think anyone's sex life is more exciting than mine,'

'Oh dear, Come on, tell Auntie Mya all about it,'

'No, nothing, forget I said anything,'

'Sophie, come on,'

'It's nothing,' she exhaled loudly, 'It's just we did it for the first-time last night since, you know,'


'And it was fine,'


'Yes, it was fine, it was late, and we just got on with it, it was ok,'

'Now it's only ok? Oh Sophie, does he make you scream?'


'It's a simple enough question, when you come do you scream?'

'I have never screamed from orgasm in my entire life,' said Sophie agast,

'Really? Then you need to shake it up, god, sex should be fun and exciting and make you scream so loud the neighbours complain,'

'Or sex should be a lovely comfortable thing you do with your husband,' she retorted,

'We have wildly different types of sex,' said Mya, chuckling

'Do you really scream when you come?' asked Sophie, feeling self-conscious,

'Absolutely, providing they're doing it right, makes it better, trust me,'

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