Chapter 13

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Several hours later they finally emerged from the museum,

'Une Café pour vous?' said Mya as they passed a street café with the cliché tables spilling out onto the pavement,

'Mai oui mon petit Cherie, god I'm terrible at French, café ou vino?' she asked,

'Oh le vino, definitely le vino!,' said Mya, they checked the menu prices and a waiter ushered them to one of the tiny tables,

'See Anjou is a wine,' said Mya pointing to a rosé on the wine list,

'Let's order it then,' said Sophie, 'If it's terrible, I'll blame you,' she laughed, the waiter returned and Sophie ordered in bad French, the waiter scowled at them as he walked off. Returning a few minutes later he brought them their wine and some olives,

'Now this is the life,' said Mya pouring the wine for them, as the surly waiter had disappeared,

'Yup, this trip is way more fun than it would have been with Stuart!' said Sophie,

'Sante,' said Mya and they chinked glasses, Sophie's phone rang suddenly, it's shrill tone disturbing the moment, her heart raced, retrieving her phone from her bag she checked the screen, hoping it was Will, but it was Stuart.

'Talk of the devil,' said Sophie showing Mya the phone,

'Don't you dare answer it,' she replied,

'As if!' Sophie declined the call and sent Stuart a short message:

In Paris do not disturb,

her phone chirped a few seconds later,

Message Stuart: Sorry call me when you get back, have fun x

Sophie deleted the message and returned to her wine,

'Mm good choice Mya it's delicious,' light and fruity, the ice cold wine was refreshing, Sophie speared an olive on a cocktail stick and popped it into her mouth, her phone rang again,

'Fucks sake,' Sophie picked up the phone and checked the screen: Will

'Oh my god it's Will, oh my god, oh my god,'

'Well answer it,' said Mya as Sophie tried to pass the phone to her, she swiped to answer the call,

'Hey Will,' she said trying not to sound as nervous as she felt, she took a large glug of wine,

'Hey Sophie, I've got a short break, is now a good time to talk?' he asked,

'Absolutely, me and Mya are just sat enjoying a glass of rosé,

'Oh lucky you, I'd murder a beer it's been a tough day,' he replied,

'Oh poor you, What time are you hoping to finish?'

'About 8 with any luck! Talking of luck how on earth did you end up stumbling onto the set earlier?' he asked,

'I know, what are the chances? Believe it or not we got lost trying to find L'Orangerie, neither of us are great with a map, apparently,' said Sophie,

'Hah, well I have to say, it certainly cheered my day up seeing you, I couldn't believe it. And again I'm sorry to hear about your marriage,' he said,

'Oh, don't be please, it's a good thing,' she replied smiling, Sophie looked over to see Mya making kissy faces at her, she mouthed 'Stop it!' at her,

'Well, I did say if you ever found yourself not married,' he said,

'Hah you did, I'm so sorry I didn't inform you sooner, the carrier pigeon must have got lost,' she said, Will laughed down the phone,

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