Chapter 4

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Thank you so much to everyone who has read my story so far, going to try and get a couple of chapters out now. I have finished this story, so stick around if you're enjoying it! I will try and get better posting more frequently, Thanks!

*Warning - This chapter deals with miscarriage in detail*

Sophie didn't notice the front door opening.

'Sophie? I'm home,' shouted out Stuart, he heard muffled noises from the kitchen and found Sophie sobbing on the floor,

'Sweetheart are you ok? What's wrong?'

'I can't do it again Stuart' she managed to get out, barely a squeak between huge shaking sobs,

'I can't lose another one, I won't handle it',

'Has something happened, are you bleeding? Why didn't you call me?' he asked, Sophie shook her head,

'No, it's all ok, but I'm terrified,' she replied before dissolving into tears again,

'Sweetheart its ok we aren't going to lose it, it's not going to happen this time' he tried his best to console his wife but Sophie needed to ride it out. She wept until there were no tears left, till her mouth was dry and her throat was hoarse.

'it's just so scary, it's always there the worry, every cramp, every twinge, I'm following all the rules but,'

'Sophie, you have to stop worrying we've made it to 8 weeks haven't we? it won't do the baby any good, come on, up you get,' Stuart got up off the kitchen floor from where he had joined her and guided Sophie up. He led her to the sofa 'Shall I put a film on for you?' he asked Sophie,

'Midnight orders please' she snuffled. Stuart rifled through the DVDs, pulling the right one out he frowned at the cover, the man staring back at him was substantially more handsome than he was, but he held his tongue and put the DVD in the player before going to put the kettle on for a decaf tea.

2 weeks later:

Sophie and Stuart sat at the dining table eating lunch,

'10 weeks today Stuart can you believe it? We should start thinking about turning the second bedroom into a nursery,'

'You're feeling more confident this week, but surely we don't need to do it yet?'

'I'm feeling excited this week, we are so close to the 12 week scan, we could redecorate it, get some animals on the wall, I could paint some lions and elephants?'

'What's wrong with the magnolia?'

'Stuart the whole house is magnolia, I'd like to paint it a sunny yellow or a pale green or something,'

'Not sure about yellow, I guess maybe a green, I still don't see what's wrong with magnolia it's nice,'

'We always said we would paint the house magnolia to start with then change it to something more colourful later,' said Sophie,

'Did we? Sure ok, I guess so, seems like a lot of work though, I'll have to do it won't I?'

'I can paint, I'm pregnant not useless!' said Sophie, 'I'll paint it, you just get the stuff from work,' she finished, Stuart huffed and returned to his sandwich.

She glanced around the room, every single wall in the house was the same, it was like living in a catalogue, which is exactly what Mya had said the first time she had come to visit. Remembering the conversation still bristled at her,

'Sophie, it looks like something out of the Argos catalogue, where's the colour?' Mya had said,

'I just haven't had a chance to put some personal touches on it' she had replied defending her choices. The truth hurt, a lot of the house had come from Stuarts work as he got 20% discount

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