Chapter 22

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Pulling up once again outside Will's, Sophie managed to pay for the taxi and they dashed in as a heavier downpour threatened to soak them. Safely inside, Will shook off their coats and hung them over a radiator to dry.

'Oh god I forgot you had that!' said Sophie, motioning to the close-up photograph of her face on Will's wall,

'Oh yes, I rather like that piece,' he replied, 'I've heard the model is a total babe,' Sophie gave him a playful shove, and pulled her phone out of her bag for the first time since yesterday. 17 messages from Mya, she laughed and showed Will the notification,

'She must really want the goss, go call her before she thinks you've been kidnapped,' he grinned cheekily at Sophie, she pressed dial, Mya answered almost instantly,

'Sophie! Where the fuck have you been, tell me everything, I want to know cock length, girth, times, everything, what did he think of the lingerie, details NOW!'

'Hi Mya,' said Will loudly over Sophie's shoulder,

'Fuck, am I on speaker?' replied Mya,

'No, thank god! How are you?' she asked innocently,

'Are you at Will's? I am SO proud of you babe! Come onnnnnnnn spill, I need deets, please i've been going crazy here!'

'I am not going to discuss details of Will's cock with you in front of him,' said Sophie loudly, Will interrupted,

'It's huge by the way,' he shouted, Sophie pushed him away laughing,

'Go away!' she told him, flapping a hand at him,

'But this is my flat? Women!' he replied, Sophie batted him on the arm, he laughed and mouthed, 'Coffee?' she nodded and mouthed thanks back, she headed out into the landing and pulled the door to behind her,

'Is it?' asked Mya,

'Is it what?' replied Sophie,

'Is it huge? Please come on tell me something, we'll talk in code, I'll ask questions you just say yes or no,' Sophie sighed a reply, but couldn't help smiling,

'Is it huge?'


'Does he know how to use?'

'Definitely,' said Sophie smiling to herself,

'Did he go down on you,'

'Yes, yes, yes,' replied Sophie,

'Did you suck it,'

'No comment,' replied Sophie smirking,

'So you did then, oh my goodness me! Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, I have to admit I'm jealous, he is gorgeous! Did you sleep over? Stupid question you're still there, ooh is his body as good in real life as on screen?'

'Yep,' Sophie fanned herself slightly remembering just how gorgeous it is,

'Did you do it more than once?'


'Do you love him,' asked Mya quietly,

'Yes,' Sophie gasped, 'I mean no, um, I, oh god,'

'Woah,' replied Mya,

'You cow, you tricked me!'

'I wasn't expecting you to say that,'

'Me neither,' said Sophie, her mind racing,

'You do though don't you,' replied Mya excitedly,

'Yeah, I think I do,' she laughed gently to herself, 'Woops,'

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