Chapter 2 - Life on Earth

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Anakin took the room closer to the door, of course. Ahsoka isn't even surprised. It's strange to be living in a house like this. It's always been in the Temple or more frequently, in a cruiser or on some planet when her and the boys finally got a break.

The bed is strangely soft, too. That's not the part that bothers her the most.

The doorway is at the foot of her bed, and she can't see it. Logically, Ahsoka knows no one will be barging in to do anything, but she can't help how unsettled she feels. The bed is in the middle of the room, too, instead of up against a wall. It makes actually sleeping almost impossible, and she keeps jolting awake at the slightest disturbance.

There aren't many, but she can't help feeling antsy. This is a completely different place, one she's never heard of nor knows anything about. Normally, she and Anakin spend hours before a mission reading up on information about the planet. It's not something she can do here. The Force is strangely soothing right now, though.

Finally, she gives up on trying to go back to sleep. It's got to be time to get up anyway, even if the room is still extremely dark. She slips out of bed, moving to the window and pushing back the curtains. The sky is completely covered in clouds, though from how dark it still is, she's pretty sure the sun must be rising.

And it's snowing. The ground and leafless trees surrounding the house on all sides are already covered in a thin layer.

It certainly explains the peacefulness in the Force right now. She's seen snow a few times during missions, and it's always felt a lot like this, especially when there's so much nature around.

Leaning on the window sill, she watches the falling flakes.

It's so peaceful here, in a way unlike what Ahsoka's accustomed to. She can't imagine what it would be like, in a life without war and action. But if she's not going to be a Jedi anymore, it's something that she's going to end up dealing with soon enough. The memory sends a fresh wave of anger through her, but she tries to let it go as she keeps watching the falling snow.

The door to her room suddenly creaks open – seriously, who uses doors that you physically open anyway? She nearly banged her head on it the first time she came in here, since she wasn't sure what was wrong with it! Or why it wasn't opening normally – and Anakin slips into the room.

"Are you okay?" he asks quietly.

"Fine," she promises. "I just can't sleep."

"Me neither," he admits, and she's not surprised. It's a thing they both struggle with. Jedi don't have nightmares, generally, but with the war... Ahsoka has since it started.

"I don't know what to make of all this," she comments finally. It's by far the strangest thing that they've ever been through, to be certain.

"The Force wanted us to come here for some reason, even if we don't know what, yet," Anakin points out, moving to stand next to her at the window.

"I feel more lost now than I did in the first place," she grumbles, moving a little closer until they're actually touching. Anakin feels like literally her last anchor to sanity right now, and she thinks the feelings might be mutual.

"We'll figure it out," he promises, as they stand together, watching the snowfall.

"What if us being here has something to do with these holofilms Harmony was talking about?" Ahsoka wonders.

"I've thought about it," he admits, "If what she said is true, that means the war is going to be going on for at least another year."

"No thanks to the Council," Ahsoka mutters darkly.

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