Chapter 12 - Lost and Won

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Author's Note: Yes, Obi-Wan survived. Of course, he did. He's a Sith who contains the souls of hundreds of people. A mere stab wound would not kill him. Also, I could never do that to Anakin. If Obi-Wan died, Anakin would Fall way past the point of no return, and the mere thought of what he might decide to do next is terrifying. :') So, we're saving everyone the pain that would ensue. :D

Oh, and if Obi-Wan died, Anakin would to, because Obi-Wan started consuming Anakin's power and lifeforce. I couldn't kill Anakin. :)

~ Amina Gila

Suddenly, something about the 'have you ever been stabbed before?' question seems far less amusing, not that it was at all in the first place. Anakin flicks off the lightsaber instantly and throws it to the side, guilt crashing over him. He did what he had to, yes, but... Force, he could've just killed Obi-Wan. It might already be too late, and – and no. He can't dwell on it. The thought paralyzes him with fear. He had no reason to do that, not this time.

Obi-Wan stumbles back, before he finally falls. Ana, surprisingly, is the one at his side in a heartbeat, murmuring a frantic string of "No, no, no" over and over. Oddly enough, the pain is worse without her contact.

It feels like ever last part of his body is very, very slowly being ripped apart, in a totally different way than it does when he's electrocuted, and he needs it to stop.

Anakin drags himself forwards, anyway. "Don't just stand there," he snaps at the girls in the doorway – Ahsoka even still has her lightsabers ignited, like the thought of beheading an already dying Obi-Wan is a good thing, "He needs medical attention. Now!"

"Hold on," Ahsoka says, flatly. "He just tried to kill you, and that is all you're worried about?! How about the fact that he killed my master and all the Jedi?!"

My master, she said, and he flinches. Right. This Ahsoka never knew him. He wasn't her master.

"I don't care!" Anakin snaps back. "He's my master, and I won't be responsible for his death. Not now. Not ever again!"

"Do it," Harmony orders, exhaustedly. "Ahsoka, I don't know what to do, I assume you do...?"

Anakin tunes out the others, reaching over to take Obi-Wan's hand. He feels better, even if only a little, at the contact. "Anakin?" he asks, quietly. He remembers, now. When half in his mind, Anakin had ripped down the barrier he'd found, letting Obi-Wan remember the same life Anakin himself lived. And... they'd seen each other's lives. He'll take the time to think about that when his master isn't slowly dying in front of him. Because of him.

"I'm here," he promises, "I'm sorry, Master. I couldn't think of anything else."

"Only you," Obi-Wan replies, voice strained. "Only you."

"I'm sorry," Anakin whispers again, ducking his head.

"You should go too, if we're going to the medcenter," Harmony cuts in, approaching them and crouching next to him.

"Once he's fine," Anakin replies flatly. For the first time, he feels Obi-Wan's grip on his hand tighten, and he glances up. Anakin remembers what he saw of his master's life in this insane reality, how much he wanted people, to have someone beside him unquestioningly, to offer him a loyalty he thought he deserved, and even if it was a bit messed up, maybe, Anakin thinks he has a good idea how this makes the Sith – because he is still very much a Sith – feel.

Anakin glances up, his gaze landing on Ana. Her head is lowered, but he can feel her worry, and her shame. It's something that, in some horrific way, reminds him of his own emotions towards Palpatine. Towards Sidious. "He's not evil," Anakin mutters. "He's..."

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