Chapter 13 - Path of No Return

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Ana stands with the others, watching anxiously as the Ones – all of them are here now – finally finish. It's beyond weird to see the former Emperor so still and motionless like this, but what stands out most is how everything about him feels different, now. Instead of a gaping black hole in the Force, his presence is much weaker. It's different, too, even if it's still somewhat identifiable with who he was.

She exchanges a glance with Anakin, who's standing tensely watching with his arms crossed, both of them fully organic now. She can feel his inner turmoil and wishes there was something she could do to make him feel better, but there really isn't. Not right now. To be fair, she isn't feeling much better herself.

They're both certain that Obi-Wan's going to be angry, which he admittedly has every right to be. Maybe he won't have the kind of power he did before, but the thought still scares her. Not to mention that she's always worried about what effects beyond that this will have on him. Nothing like this has ever been done before, and...

Finally, he begins to stir before slowly opening his eyes and looking around. They're blue. It shouldn't be so startling, but she was still almost expecting them to be red, or at the very least, yellow. "Am I dead?" he asks, sounding completely befuddled, and it jars her again how his voice sounds like a normal person's. Nothing like how he had sounded all the time she knew him.

"No," Ahsoka offers, the first to find her voice.

Obi-Wan's gaze snaps to her, and he moves to stand up. "What..."

"You were turned into your Anakin's timeline self," she chirps, like it's no big deal.

He looks around slowly, and she's pretty sure he's reaching out with the Force, realizing the implications of what happened. It's not something Ana can relate to, but she can't imagine what it would be like to suddenly not be able to feel the Force as strongly as you have your entire life. Even if he does remember a life where he wasn't half Force.

He doesn't seem entirely certain how to react, but he hasn't gotten upset yet, which she takes as a good sign. She almost wants to ask if he's okay, but the question sounds so incredibly dumb, even in her mind, that she doesn't even bother attempting to voice it.

"You may leave, now," the Father states.

"One more thing," Anakin objects, "Can you do the same to me? Make me normal?"

What?! When did that become the plan? Her gaze jumps to his face, but he avoids her eyes. "Anakin, are you sure you want that?" Ana objects. They haven't really had any time to get to know each other, despite their strong bond, but she knows how much being part-Force makes him... well, him.

"It's for the best," Anakin avoiding Ahsoka and Harmony's equally stunned and horrified expressions.

"No," the Father replies, "We cannot."

"Why not?" Anakin demands, taken aback.

"The galaxy needs a Chosen One to ensure balance, especially now."

"But why does it have to be me?"

"You have brought balance in the past," the Father answers cryptically, "And you may need to do so again in the future."


Anakin is seated in the corner of the cabin of their shuttle, back pressed up against the wall, when Obi-Wan enters. They need to talk, he knows, and sooner is better than later. They have no need to put it off, aside from to prolong the inevitable.

Anakin twitches slightly when Obi-Wan approaches, but he doesn't look up. He's alive, though, and he's here to stay. It's as much as Obi-Wan could ask for, he supposes.

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