Chapter 6 - Attack of the Clones

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Author's Note: In case it wasn't already obvious, yes, Obi-Wan has "mysteriously" gotten the powers of the Chosen One, and Anastasia is a female version of Anakin with regular Force abilities.

~ Tirana Sorki

Just as a heads up, we're planning to start releasing this weekly on Wednesdays. ;) There are 15 chapter, so enjoy the rest of the ride! :D

~ Amina Gila

It's been ten years since Anastasia last saw Padme. Ten years, throughout which she trained to be a Jedi, recently becoming Master Plo's padawan.

Her best friend, Ahsoka, was just taken as a padawan by Master Shaak Ti, for which Ana is grateful. She didn't know if Ahsoka would be chosen, seeing her proclivity towards violence and her short temper. She has many traits considered unbefitting of a Jedi, but as far as Ana is concerned, she's one of the best. She's only fourteen. She can learn.

"We're almost there, padawan," Plo reminds, faint amusement in his words as he obvious picks up on her excitement.

"I know, Master," Ana replies, impatiently watching the lift doors as it continues to rise.

"This mission could be dangerous," he adds. "Remain focused on our surroundings." Try not to get lost in her own emotions, basically. There's a high chance she could, seeing as she's about to reunite with an old friend. One of the few people she actually knew before becoming a Jedi. Her memories of that time are extremely faint, but she remembers the impressions of it.

"Yes, Master." She'll do her best. She's... always struggled with attachments. When she cares – and she cares often – it's deeper than most if not all Jedi seem capable of understanding. And when she does care about someone, it's not something she ever let's go of easily... not even when they seem to have already moved on.

The doors to the lift finally slide open, to reveal a very familiar Gungan. "Jar Jar?" Ana exclaims in surprise. Yes, she knew he'd become the Nubian Representative, but she wasn't really expecting to see him here.

"Aniii!" he shrieks excitedly, and she doesn't have more than a second to think of reminding him that that's not how her nickname is pronounced before she's being yanked into a crushing hug.

Ana laughs despite herself, flinging her arms around him. "It's good to see you too, Jar Jar."

The Gungan finally lets go of her, much more politely greeting Plo before he ushers them towards the main sitting area. Padme looks like Ana remembers, only older. They briefly discuss security and the seriousness of the situation before Padme heads off to her room and Plo leaves to check security.

As soon as she sees that she's not needed, Ana hurries to catch up with her old friend. "It's good to see you again, Ana," Padme greets her with a smile, letting her step into the bedroom.

"I hoped for years that we'd see each other again," Ana admits, "But maybe not under these circumstances." She loves being here, but she'd prefer it wasn't because someone could try to kill Padme any time.

"I'm not in that much danger," Padme insists, "I just want to know who tried to kill me."

"I can help with that," Ana offers, "We'd probably have to wait until the next attempt though, unless there's something you can tell me about last time?"

"My ship blew up but –"

"I thought you said you weren't 'in that much danger'?" Ana yelps. "You could have died!" Something about this conversation feels strangely familiar, though she shakes it off. It's not as though she doesn't get those feelings often. That, along with other strange sensations like feeling almost strangely detached as though her body doesn't really belong to her. She's gotten used to it, but it's still weird.

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