Chapter 4 - Onset of Darkness

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Author's Note: I have been waiting for this chapter from the beginning! Lol. Enjoy the cliffhanger! :D

~ Amina Gila

"What do you think of Earth so far?" Hal inquires at last, expression sobering a little as he turns to Anakin.

The completely casual question somehow almost catches him entirely off guard. "It's... different," Anakin answers slowly, "The technology is nothing like I'm used to."

"I can imagine."

"The people are different too." Nothing like what he's used to or encountered anywhere.

"How so?" Hal prompts.

"There's only humans here, which is quite unusual. Most places I've been to have at least a couple species. Planetary fights often are between species there, but here..." They're constantly fighting each for what literally seems to be no reason half the time, or at least no reason that could possibly be that important. "Their attitude towards each other is very weird." He can't even think of a better term for it.

"I'd suggest not attempting to understand why humans try to kill each other whenever someone looks at another the wrong way."

Anakin snorts. "I won't."

Harmony steps back into the room, setting drinks on the table for the two of them. "Seriously, when was the last time you took out the garbage?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your kitchen is a mess," she says cheerfully, "And really, when was the last time you washed the dishes in there anyway?"

"You should ask Sally that question," Hal objects.

"Making your girlfriend do all the work? That doesn't seem very manly."

"I had to get the rest of the apartment presentable for my guest!" he insists.

"Well, you did a very bad job," she teases, "So if you don't mind, I'll go finish your work well you two have boy bonding time."

"Sometimes, I have no idea why she's my sister," he grumbles.

"I really don't think you want the biological answer to that, but generally it has something to do with –"

"Okay, shut up."

She smirks before disappearing out the door again.

"So, where were we?" Hal asks.

"Discussing Earth's... culture." Or maybe the lack thereof, because he has to say, from what he's seen he's not terribly impressed with it. Not that he's going to say so. "She seems happier here," Anakin comments after a moment, eyeing the doorway Harmony disappeared through.

"Does she?" Hal asks, sounding almost wistful, "We used to be closer, back when we still lived at home together. I suppose we grew more distant as we got older since we don't really have time to be around each other much anymore. But hey, that's the way growing up works."

Is that really how most people on Earth view family? "You know... growing up doesn't have to mean growing apart."

"That's... kind of how it works."

Their views are so vastly different from Tatooine is beyond jarring. "Why would have to be? I know that's how the Jedi are, but they're not really a family." Not in the way Anakin was used to before coming to the Temple, at least. Family sticks together and looks out for each other, and that's not really what the Jedi do.

Hal shrugs, for once seeming to almost feel a little awkward himself. "Well, I don't know what you're used to, but that's the way it is here. I have a girlfriend myself now, and Harmony... I'm sure she'll find someone eventually."

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