Chapter 9 - Lost in the Void

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The Force is in turmoil, and Ana can't remember ever feeling a disturbance of this magnitude before. Even when the worst of it begins to dissipate, there's something else nagging at the back of her senses now, which isn't going away. It's almost like she can sense someone, who seems to be everywhere and nowhere at once.

The strangest part of the presence is what it feels like. She's never felt anyone this bright and strong in the Force before. (Except for maybe the Emperor, but his presence is absolutely the opposite of "bright" even if it is extremely strong.) Aside from that, the presence feels like a strange echo, a double of herself.

"Are you daydreaming when I'm talking to you again?" Ventress quips, snapping Ana out of her thoughts. She still doesn't know if she can rightfully go as far as calling them friends, but they are in all that matters, Ana supposes. Ventress hates it here, hates everything about all of this. Everyone does, and Ana is the only person she'll go to, to talk about it.

Ana rolls her eyes. "It's called sensing things in the Force. Here I thought Sith knew how to do that too."

"No, Jedi have the sole copyright of the most obvious Force ability there is."

"That's what I thought."

Ventress is starting to say something else when the door to the room they're in abruptly opens, and the Emperor himself strides in. "My Lord," Ventress murmurs in greeting, kneeling in front of him. Maybe she's used to it, but Ana still finds it sickening, the respect he demands from everyone, except apparently her. She's still a prisoner, even if she has some freedom to move about and decent living quarters. The rules for her are different, even if she still can't entirely fathom why.

"Have you sensed the disturbance in the Force?" he asks, turning to Ana

"I have," she answers.

"Leave us," he orders, glancing briefly at Ventress who Ana can tell is more than relieved to slip out of the room, leaving them alone.

"What do you sense?" he asks, catching her by surprise. What? Why is he asking her that? And this really isn't something she's comfortable answering. (As if he cares.)

"Um, nothing I'm sure you can't sense a million times stronger."

"That is not what I asked you, young one," he snaps.

Apparently, someone's not feeling very chipper today. "I can sense a presence in the Force itself almost, I guess?" she offers finally, "Since he seems everywhere and nowhere at once." Although she can't be certain, being stuck in a relatively small area of the Temple, but still. "And he feels almost like... I don't know, a double of me?"

The Sith looks thoughtful for a few moments, though she can feel him nudge at her shields, though she isn't sure for what reason. Still, rude.

"Anything else?" he asks.

Something that she really doesn't feel like telling him, but she's pretty sure he got that impression already, so she'll have to answer. "He feels like..." She bites her lip. How to say this? "Like the part of me that's missing? I think he might be connected to that." Assuming this 'he' even exists. The feelings from the Force really don't make any sense.

The Sith seems to be considering her words, and she gets the feeling that he might have an idea or two what's happening. Maybe. The only emotion she's gotten good at reading on him is anger and that's not what he's showing now, so it's hard to say.

"Do you know what this could be?" she finally risks asking. Hopefully that wasn't a mistake.

He looks down at her, an almost calculating look in his eyes, that still never fails to unnerve her. "We both have a connection," he replies finally, "With this... person. I intend to find out what it is."

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