Chapter 7 - The Empire

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Author's Note: No one get any funny ideas about Obi-Wan/Ana.



Thank you. =)

~ Tirana Sorki

If this is meant to be some kind of prank, Ana's not very impressed. She rolls onto her back, staring up at the grey ceiling of the prison cell above her, down in the lower levels of the once Jedi Temple. How long has it been since she was locked in here? She doesn't have any way of keeping track of the time, besides when she gets food on occasion, and she ceased counting a long time ago.

She doesn't think she'd have the energy to do anything even if she did have something to do down here. Nearly all the Jedi are dead. Her master is dead. What happened to Ahsoka? Was she captured too? Is she – no, she can't think about it. Everything already hurts too much all the time, and the only thing keeping her from going to pieces entirely is clinging to the belief that Ahsoka is still out there. It hardly helps that she has nothing to do in here except to be haunted by her own mind.

The walls of this place have long since made her start feeling claustrophobic. She wants to get out of her, or maybe to wake up the next day to find out this is nothing but a horrible nightmare. She's never been this incredibly lonely in her life, and the worst part is it won't change. It can't, because the Jedi are gone.

What's even going to happen to her? Why has she not been killed yet? From what she heard, all other Jedi were being killed immediately. Why not her? Is she being saved for later for some reason? At this point, she'd almost rather anything then being stuck here all alone with nothing but her mind to torment her. Meditating isn't practical either, considering almost all she can feel is the Dark Side – no thanks to the Emperor – every time she tries.

The sudden shift in the Force catches her attention even before the sound of someone approaching in the hallway. It's Kenobi. She can feel it.

She's on her feet in a flash, heart pounding as fear grips her in its icy claws. They've only interacted twice, and neither time has been pleasant. What would he want with her? On second thought, she thinks she'd rather not know.

The rayshield turns off, and the Sith himself steps into the cell.

He studies in her silence for a long moment, as she glares back at him. Why isn't he talking? His presence brushes against her mind, and she does her best not to physically flinch away from the sheer darkness pouring through their bond. (They have a bond?!)

"I hope you weren't expecting a 'hello'," she snaps finally.

"Is that any way to greet your Emperor?" he asks almost mockingly, voice tinged with amusement, and she barely resists the urge to punch him in the face. She notices it again, how his voice sounds almost double for some reason.

"What? You were expecting me to respect your illegal and self-proclaimed position?"

"The strong rule over the weak," he replies flippantly.

"You sound like a slaver," Ana spits out disgustedly.

He scoffs. "It matters little what I sound like, only what I am."

"Which would be a mass murderer and tyrant? I don't think those are much better."

"Your insults are of little concern to me," the Sith replies, and oh, he is definitely amused now. Ana grits her teeth in frustration, biting back another attempt at a scathing remark, but this being is so cold-hearted she doesn't know how or if anything could hurt him anymore. "I wield all the power I dreamed of, and more."

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