Chapter 14 - Sealing the Pathway

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Author's Note: There is only one chapter left. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

"We'll have to shut the machine down on both ends," Anakin observes, looking over the controls.

Right. Harmony didn't fully consider the implications of that until now. Actually, the reality of what she's about to do didn't fully sink in until right now. It's the better of the two options, but... that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

"But if we did that, someone would have to stay on the other side," Cassie objects.

"I know," Anakin replies, looking up and fixing both of them with a look, "If you want to change your minds about staying, now is the last time."

"I want to stay," Harmony asserts again. A part of her almost wants to change her mind, but the rest of her screams in protest at the very thought.

"I want to stay here, too," Cassie declares. So she's said from the beginning as well. Harmony isn't exactly surprised. They're at least on talking terms, even if they certainly are far from being friends. They probably never will be, but they can learn to tolerate each other.

"I can call my brother," Harmony suggests finally. She wants to say goodbye to him, talk to him at least one last time, even if going back to Earth will make it harder to leave again.

Anakin nods. "Okay, we'll wait for you."

Going through the machine all alone is honestly a little scary, because if something goes wrong, she'll have no idea what to do. And then she steps out into the familiar surroundings of her basement. The place she's about to see now for the last time. Her heart aches at the thought of how she's about to leave this place, even this planet, never to see it again. She's going to miss it for a long time, if it ever stops. But if she takes even one moment to imagine closing up that machine and never going back... No, she could never do that.

But she can save the emotions for later. Time to call Hal.

As it turns out, he's already right in the area, and everyone's been wondering what happened to her over the past several days. He comes over immediately when she explains the situation.

Standing here in front of her brother, Harmony suddenly almost wonders again how she can even bring herself to do this. It's going to be even harder than she thought. "You're leaving?" Hal asks finally, eyeing her. He looks like he doesn't want to fully believe it himself.

Her gaze drops to the floor. Why does this have to be so hard? "Yes," she whispers, "But you could come to, if you want."

"No, I can't," he replies softly, "I... I have a life here. If I went there, I wouldn't have anything."

"We'd be together," she offers, knowing it's useless even as she says it. The times they did so much together are in the past, much as she might be loath to admit it.

"Lost together in a world where neither of us have anything?" Hal repeats, "That's not any better, you know. Are you sure you really want to go through with this? If you regret it, you can't change your mind."

"I know," she murmurs, blinking back the tears suddenly stinging her eyes, "And that's why I made the choice I did. I already thought about it. I can't come back." Not unless she's willing to leave everything else behind, and she isn't.

Hal sighs, and it's clear he isn't happy with the decision, but he isn't going to keep arguing with her either. "I understand," he says quietly, "If that's really where you feel you belong."

Harmony moves forwards, wrapping her arms tightly around him. He instantly returns it, and she abruptly realizes how long it's been since they actually showed emotions like this around each other. They've drifted apart a lot, and as much as she regrets it, it does make this a little easier. At the end of the day, maybe it was what she needed. "I'll miss you," she breathes, resting her head against his shoulder.

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