Chapter 12:The Start of Rivalry or a Misunderstanding?

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When I was flying I was remembering what happened yesterday,my mind was still dazed about it.

"Yesterday was rough wasn't it?"Sapphron said.

I shouted startled,I completely forgot about Sapphron!But how could I not see her if she was with us.

"She can change her color to blend in with the envrionment"Ruby said.

"Oh"I said.

"Yeah it was"I replied,giving her a smile.

We continued flying until I noticed it was getting warm,too warm for a normal afternoon.Sweat began dripping in my face and it was too ahrd to breath,it was like I was being burned,then I passed out.

(Sapphron's point of view)

When Artemis smiled at me I wanted to smile back but I chanhed my mind,so I just continued flying.I was wondering about things when suddenly I heard a startled yelp,when I turned I saw Artemis falling,instinctively I tucked my wings and dove,when I was near him I extended my talons and caught him.

I spread my wings flapping hard to land on the ground.When I was above it I gently dropped him and landed,nudging him with my snout.

(Kaida's point of view)

When Artemis fell I told her to dive and when the others followed,I was relieved to see her with Sapphron and a feeling of jealousy fell over me.I ran over and lifted him with my hands,I looked at Scepthis worriedly.

"What happened to him?"I said.

"Exhaustion,he casted too many spells yesterday"Scepthis said.

"And you just let him!?"Sapphron growled.

"He knew the risk,I only taught him the spells!"Scepthis snarled and took a step menacingly and Sapphron did too,I gently dropped Artemis's head and stood between them.

"Now is not the time!"I shouted.

Scepthis backed down and so did Sapphron,Scepthis and Ruby stayed in the shade and slept,Hunter flew to a tree and slept there,leaving me and Sapphron awake.

I leaned against a trunk and I looked down.

"You really like Artemis don't you?"Sapphron asked.

"Yeah"I replied.

"Do you think he'll be okay?"Sapphron asked.

"Yeah,he's been through worse"I replied.


"Why,do you like him"


"Yes you do"

"No I don't!"

"If you say so,but I don't mind if you like him,I don't have a protective claim over him,I just like him"

"Wow I expected you to be mad"

"I don't mind nows not the time,as much as love it knowing Artemis feels the same we're just friends"

Then Sapphron didn't ask anymore questions.

When Artemis woke up it was around dusk,he bolted up startled and gave a scream everyone raised their head in shock or annoyance.

"Oh,good i'm.not dead"he said calming down.

"Yeah but you will be"Hunter said from his tree.

"What did I do?"Artemis asked innocently.

"You woke me up"Hunter said before pouncing him and wrestling around.

When they finished Hunter flew back and fell back asleep.

"So when are we leaving?"he asked.

There were irritated grunts all around and I chuckled.

"Tomorrow then?"he asked again.

There was a snort and Artemis fell back asleep,and I saw Sapphron lay down her head with a sigh and I decided to sleep too.

"At least i'll be the first to wake up,then I'll drench Hunter in cold water"he said mischieviously.

"Don't even think about it!"he said.

"Why your gonna pounce me again?"he said daring him.

"No i'm too tired"he said.

"Go to sleep"Scepthis shouted startling Artemis and Hunter making them lie down.

Then I chuckled again and lay down.

A Dragon's Revenge:Avdimi and the Fusion of the Elements(Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now