Chapter 8:The First Change

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(Artemis' point of view)

I looked at Kaida and I noticed her eyes flashed yellow for a second I blinked.Avdimi raised and eyebrow,and then he shot another fireball at Laudable,it bounced off her harmlessly and her body turned pitch black and normal again.

Then a purple light flashed around.Her hair was slowly braided while purple streaks were added.Her body then gained armor which revealed her stomach.Shadows seemed to weave back gloves which leaved her fingers exposed,her skirt turned black and was purple streaks were forming.Her boots turned black and then it hit me.

This was what she looked like at Mania's castle,when I gave her power.

She grinned at Avdimi and then raised her hand forming a purple flame,startled Avdimi sent a fire ball and Kaida used both arms and sent purple fire at the fire ball,and the purple flames hit Avdimi straight on,I was too shocked to move,then she slowly walked to him and gripped his neck with her fingers,she slowly set them on fire,Avdimi whimpered and tried to lash with his tail.

Kaida simply used her hands and set it ablaze.Avdimi yelped and she dropped him,then she formed a blade of shadows and set the tip on fire and lashed Avdimi.After five good slashes,she stopped.

"Go"she coldly said.

Avdimi nodded and left,I looked at her and her eyes turned normal and she fell on her knees,quickly I picked her up and her body turned back to normal,she opened her eyes and confusion struck them,then I looked around and saw Scepthis waking up,Hunter was still passed out and I heard flapping.

Ruby was shakily coming back and the first thing she looked at Ryuu,she looked at me and I nodded,Ruby's eyes tearing she sent out a roar,filled with sadness,Hunter slowly walked next to her and nodded then when Ruby roared he howled,Scepthis sat next to Hunter and roared,they did it three more times before Ruby lowered her head,Hunter and Scepthis followed.

"Artemis what happened?"Kaida asked.

"Mania's curse"Scepthis said.

"If Kaida is overcome with anger she changes to her darker form,when the anger subsides she turns normal,the more often she changes,the harder it is for her to take control of her body,so the curse takes over"Scepthis continued.

Then the sun began to rise,Kaida stood up and watched the sunrise,everyone else followed.

"We should bury Ryuu"Hunter said.

"Can't you revive him,like you did with Ruby?"Kaida asked Scepthis.

"I was only able to revive Ruby because she has enough magic to come back here,Ryuu does not posses enough magic,unlike Ruby who is an elemental"Scepthis said.

Kaida looked back at the sun and when it was in the sky we flew and then we reached a lone tree.

"When Ryuu was still a hatchling I would stroke him here,I knew this place by heart since my mother and I used to secretly come here"Kaida said,not looking at us.

We buried him under the tree and we spent the afternoon staying there,I didn't know Ryuu but he was a special dragon,Kaida stayed with Ruby as they stared blankly at where we buried him.I stayed with Scepthis and Hunter who sat a distance away from them.When the sun began to set,I slowly walked up to Kaida and put my arm on her shoulder.

"We should go"I said,she nodded.

"She's riding with us,since..."Ruby began,but stopped abruptly.

We flew to a forest and camped there,it was near a small lake so we ate fish,everyone was either emotionally or physically exhausted,come both.But for some reason I was wide awake,when I knew I coudn't sleep I went to the edge of the lake and stared at the water,at my back I heard a noise and turned around it was Kaida.She didn't give me a second glance,she sat down beside me and put her feet into the water.

"Couldn't sleep,huh?"I said.

She didn't answer,uh oh,maybe she didn't feel like talking,instead I just looked away.

"Yeah,I couldn't"she softly muttered.

I looked back at her and she began to put her legs to her chest,I put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay"I began.

"No it won't!"she shouted at me,startled I removed my hand from her shoulder and gave her a confused look.

"No it won't"she repeated,softly.

A Dragon's Revenge:Avdimi and the Fusion of the Elements(Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now