Chapter 13:The Fire Lands

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(Artemis' point of view)

I had woken up before everyone else,watching Hunter was asleep I ran until I reached a body of water which wasn't too far from where I was,grinning I quietly got his orb from Kaida and let Leviathan out,thankfull it wasn't a grand entrance,when he came out I gave the signal to shush.

"What do you want lad?"he whispered.

"I need you to shoot cold water at Hunter,it's a prank"I said mischieviously.

I expect some reasoning but his eyes shot just as mischieviously,he was grinning.

"Wait,so you won't get in trouble pretend to sleep and i'll shoot water"I nodded and followed,I gave him the signal and a jet of water shot at Hunter making him fall,I suppresed a laugh and pretented to sleep.

Hunter snarled and I heard him rushing towards me.With his paws he tyrned me over and suddenly let go,then I heard another jet of water making him yelp.

"Very funny Artemis do you think I don't know you can clone yourself?Now get out and lets settle"he was walking to where Leviathna was,he was in for a big suprise when he reached him,he yelped.

"Now do you want to fight?"he said making himself large and intimadating.

"No"he said whimpering he ran away back into his tree.

I coudn't hold it anymore I laughed until I felt tears streaming down my face,I walked to Leviathan and let him in his orb and then returned it into my bag then I felt something hit me,I fell and found out Hunter was there.

"You planned this?"he said.

"Yup"I said happily.

Then he got on me and lept whacking me and even biting me I began screaming,his teeth hurt.

"Kaida help me!"I shouted.

"You got yourself into this"she said.


Then when he stopped I immidiately slapped his nose that was the most sensitive part of a dog,he backed off and growled but then returned to where he original was.I looked and saw everyone was awake and watching the fight grinning.

"Really?"I said.

"Yes"Kaida said.

"Lets just go see Haikira"I mumbled.

(Time Skip)

When I was flying I noticed it became hot,I looked around and the others were sweating too,I looked down and saw the grasslands end and then it was bare,brown earth with no trees and flaming volcanoes with lava now and then,the heat reached us and I don't how much I could take,then there was a massive ridge of volconoes and we landed before it,I stayed on Ruby and was beggining to get dranched in sweat.

We walked near the entrance and Ruby raised her head.

"How are we going to meet Haikira?"I asked.

"Maybe she's underground"Sapphron suggested.

"Good idea"then I made Kaida let Terrafang out and with a bit of complaint he dug a hole.

Suprisingly there was a cave,Ruby,Scepthis and Sapphron went in and the air was much cooler,I looked and there was a passage way and when I urged Ruby to move the walls suddenly glowed orange and began moving.

"What the?"

"Blazipedes"Scepthis muttered.

"Go!I'll take care of them!"Scepthis said.

I nodded at him and he smiled,when we went through the passageway he whacked his tail,making boulders block the way so the Blazipedes can't follow us.I roaring and the sound of flames,we went farther until the sounds eventually died away.

"He sacrificed himself Artemis"Ruby told me as we moved.

"I know"I said.

And as we walked I remembered when I first met him,I spared his life and I guess he had a dept to pay,now he repaid it he saved me just as I saved his.

"He woudn't want us to sulk,as stubborn headed as he was he would have wanted us to finish this quest"Ruby said.

She was right and when we neared the passageway's end there was a room but no Haikira.

"Where is she?"I said.

"I'm sorry now we're stuck here,because of me"she said and she lowered her head in shame,a single tear fell hitting the floor where it fell there was suddenly an orange light,when she opened her eyes she fell back in shock the orange light then spread out the the rest of the room.

In the center the shape of a Phoenix was formed and the shape was ablaze and when the flames died out the Phoenix was there.

"Aaaah!Finally awakened at last!"she said,she had a voice which a touch of arrogance in it.

"My orb please?"she asked,Kaida gave it to her.

"Oh you already made a necklace might as well join my brother there"she said and then she burst into flames and got suvked into the orb and then the orb magically levitated to the necklace and joined her brother,and the orange lights joined in the center of the ceiling a hole was revealed we happily left and when we saw grss we happily landed.


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