Ch. 13

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After calming myself down a bit, I went to the hotel's lobby just to realize this one didn't have a cafe like the last. A headache starts forming as I sigh, exhausted and unsure how to make it through the day. I need talk with Mike, at least get him to not make a police report yet. He doesn't know about the pictures and I don't think I can tell him. We also have another show a couple hours away tonight, there's no time to confide in him now.

After circling the lobby once more to make sure I didn't just miss a coffee shop, I give up and start heading back to the room. On my way to the elevators, Brad comes out of one and notices me. He waves me over with a smile.

"Good morning, Brad. Sleep well?" I asked after approaching. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Not really. I agreed to share a room with Joe since he brought his game console along, I didn't realize he wanted to play it all night long though. When I asked him to at least turn the volume down, he said 'my room, my rules, Delson' and cranked the volume up louder," He laughed and shrugged. "He paid for the room, so I couldn't really argue. Ended up asking Rob if I could sleep on his floor."

"Joe's an asshole," I chuckle at the story. The guys are always being so funny, never a dull moment.

"To be fair, he did tell me before I agreed that we would play it all night, I just didn't take him seriously," He grinned. "Guess he plans to sleep on the way to the next venue."

"He was still an asshole," I disagreed with a small laugh.

"Anyway, have you seen a place to get coffee around here? I desperately need it."

"Unfortunately, no. I was looking for one too," I sigh. He shrugs his shoulders and pulls out a phone.

"Looks like there's one about a block away from here. I'll go get us all coffee, except Joe. He doesn't need or deserve it," He laughed about his dilemma again. "Want anything specific?"

"No, just need something to wake me up. Mike usually gets his without sugar though. Do you want me to come with? Help you carry all that?"

"That's okay, I want to surprise everyone. Looks like a donut shop is near too," His eyes light up. "I'll be back in a while."

"Thank you, Brad," I smiled and he leaves.

I step on the elevator and make my way to the room. I feel better after seeing Brad, his positivity made me feel more confident. I need to talk to Mike. When I enter the room, he's sitting on the bed and immediately looks disappointed when he notices there's no coffee.

"This hotel doesn't have a cafe, but I promise coffee is coming," I quickly say, while also not wanting to spoil Brad's surprise. "I... I do need to talk to you though."

"What about?" He asks and gestures for me to sit beside him. I oblige, but remain eye contact with the ground.

"I don't think you should tell the police about the cameras or text messages yet," I admitted, avoiding the look on his face. I didn't want to know.

"What? What do you mean? Why?" He sounds defeated by my words, his voice deflates.

"It's just... we have a show tonight and... and I don't think now is a good time," I say softly, afraid he'll get angry.

"Chester," he says calmly, "I have been dealing with these messages for too long already. They freak me out. The police probably can't even do anything about it, honestly. I don't understand. Things like this need to be reported as soon as possible, keep record of it so they can do something eventually."

"Well, I just think-"

"Chester, I'm sorry, but I called one of our lawyers when you were downstairs. I already told them everything I know and sent documents proving all those things that happened. They're already in the process of filing a report for us. It's the best and only thing we can do. I don't understand why you're so upset," He lifts my head by gently placing his fingers under my chin. I feel tears running down my face.

"Mike..." I trail off and I simply don't know what to say. I'm too afraid to tell him my secrets, but he needs to know what could happen now.

I go over to my bag and tug out the photos. Without another word, I hand them to Mike. He flips through them. Seeing me alone in bed, then him and I together asleep, his eyes widen at the last photo of him in a towel, facing me. He stares at it for a long time, rarely even blinking. He calmly sets them down and stands. Walking over to the window, he looks over the views outside. I can't tell why he's doing this or what he's feeling.

"Why didn't you tell me about them?" He asks softly, clearly hurt by my actions.

"I didn't want to worry you," I admit. He doesn't look at me, but shakes his head.

"I felt the same about the messages, but I eventually told you about them. You were never going to show me those photos, you only did because you're afraid whoever took them will release them now that the cops know."

"That wasn't my intention-"

"It just makes me wonder... what are you hiding? You were acting weird before the time these photos were taken. I feel like you know way more than you're letting on."

"I-I don't know," my voice shakes, I'm afraid of lying. I don't want to tell him the truth.

"Chester..." he trails off. He shakes his head and sighs. "I need to be alone for a little bit. I'll probably come back before we leave for the venue."

Without another word, he leaves the room. As soon as the door closes, I break down into sobs. I'm sure he heard me, but he doesn't turn around - I don't expect him too. He's right. It's my fault he's experiencing any of this. I just wanted to show him why I felt threatened without giving him the whole story. I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to acknowledge it. I just want to disappear.

So much for Brad's coffee surprise.

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