Ch. 17

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I'm still shaken up when we enter the hotel room. There's so much building up inside, I feel as though I could burst. Mike hasn't said much since we left the venue. The lump in my throat won't go away nor will the tears threatening to burst out. I try tensing my body to stop the trembling, but it doesn't help much. I need to tell him everything before it's too late.

"I'm sorry," I say softly, trying not to make eye contact. I don't want him to see my watery eyes.

"Look, I'm not mad at you for what happened earlier, I just wish you told me sooner. When did you get those pictures?" He asks, getting straight to the point.

"After we left the hotel we found cameras in, I got them at our next meet and greet. There's a lot I need to tell you," I admitted with a deep sigh. Tears freely fall down my cheeks.

"Chester? Are you okay?" Mike noticed the tears and lifted my chin to see my face. "Please don't cry."

"I'm so sorry, I never meant for it to get this far. It's my fault for not saying anything sooner."

"It'll be okay, Ches-"

"Will it?" I interrupt. "Mike, he's still following me. He's behind it all."

"What?" His eyes widen in shock.

"He was at the meet and greet earlier, he handed you something," I bite my lower lip, trying to keep myself from shaking. Mike's eyes lit up and he grabbed an envelope.

"That was the guy?" He asks, I answer with a small nod. He slowly opens the white envelope in his hands. His jaw drops and face flushes pink.

"What is it?" I lean over in an attempt to see what he was looking at. He quickly hides it from me and laughs nervously.

"It's best you don't see," He seems embarrassed about something. I've hidden so much from him, it's only fair he keeps this to himself I suppose. "Maybe it's best we keep this to ourselves for now."

"What?! He was at the last meet and greet, he confronted me outside," I admit with fear in my voice. "I'm really afraid of what he'll do next."

"He confronted you?" Mike's voice is full of concern. "What happened?"

"He told me he's running out of money to travel to our shows. That he's running out of patience with me," I shiver. "I don't know what he wants from me."

"I think he just wants you."

"Than why does he seem to hate me at the same time?"

"Chester, he's clearly insane. I don't think his actions need to make sense or have a reason. What matters is he has eyes on both of us and we need to do something about it."

"What can we do when you want to keep it to ourselves?"

"We tell the band and never leave you alone again," He suggests, I almost laugh.

"That's not possible. What was in the envelope that made you change your mind?" I ask.

"It's nothing important," His attempt to reassure me does not help.

"Clearly it is if you're keeping it from me."

"Maybe I'll tell you eventually, but I'm not ready to now," He sighs. "Please trust me, this could really hurt the band if it gets out there."

"Now you're the one caring more about the band than what's going on."

"It might hurt you to know," He says quickly which shuts me up. All I can guess is it's some kind of blackmail. I can't even fathom what Mike would hide from me.

"What are we going to do?"

"For now, I think we should let the rest of the band know and hire more security that can stay with us all day."

"I really don't like that idea," I honestly reply. "We should tell the band, but I don't like the idea of strange men following me all day."

"You already have a strange man following you," Mike huffs. "Do you have any better ideas?"

"No," I sigh deeply. "We have to do something. You already got a report filed about it."

"Yes, with hardly any information. They can't do anything with what I gave them."

"I'm really scared, Mike," I admit.

"I won't leave your side if that helps you feel any better."

"It helps a little," I try to smile at him, but it's hard. "I guess we're in this together now."

"We'll figure something out, I just need time to think," He promises and pulls me in for a hug. "Let's get some rest."

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