Art thief

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 "Thank you my dear. For the bed. it was lovely."

"You are very welcome." She purred back.

"You really were out all night?"

"Careful that's a touchy subject." Bucky warned through a mouth full of bacon.

"I'm sorry I did not mean to-"
"I just got back at 7. When I'm... out with Raf we get a lot of work done." Kitty said as innocently as if they were couponing.

"Work? I see."
"You don't but you will." Kitty informed him. He glanced over to the large black duffle on the ground. She waggled her eyebrows at him and he chuckled. She gave his knee a squeeze before starting on her eggs.

"you don't seem very tried after being out all night my dear." My dear. She wanted to keep him.

"I do this all the time. Usually afterwards I sleep the next day away while share bear... does... things."
"Smooth Kitty kat. Real smooth." Sharon said as she finished her food.

"Get rid of the avengers and I will use complete sentences." Kitty snapped.

"We anit gonna say shit." Bucky informed her.

"Yeah. You guys are doing us a solid we are not gonna rat you out." Sam agreed.

"You don't have a damn clue what I'm doing. So I don't actually believe you."

"Come on doll." Doll. Not a term she liked. Dolls were fragile and weak. Easily broken. She was not a doll. She was also not bucky's anymore.

"Bite me Bucky."

"Gladly." He leaned towards her but she slapped him away.

"Hey you asked doll." Doll. Ugh. She once found that term so sweet and old fashioned but now, it made her mad.

"Just show em. If they open there mouths I take them on a ride, how about that?" Sharon said pouring herself another mug of coffee.

"a Ride?" Sam questioned clearly thrown.

'Fine' kitty mewed. 'But if these two asshats decide that they are be pussys about the laws just remind them that we are in a lawless country and they need to shut the fuck up!' Kitty snapped and reached into the bag

"I'm not saying shit.' Bucky reminded her with a rare smile.

Kitty cleared her dish and the barons and grabbed her bag pulling out each and every item once by one. "First we have a 1722 piece from Rome, beautiful form, still perfectly intact, gems all good too." She handed it off to sharon.

"You are a theif?" Bucky and sam said in unison. Kitty gave them a blank look.

"Next item... she pulled out a golden ring. "Beautiful, diamond etched, flawless cut," the ring twisted looking like vines and diamonds wrapping around each other. "It came in a pair..." Sharon smiled.
"One for you and one for me?" Sharon questioned and kitty stuck out her hand already having the other one on.

"You were a good sister so grabbed the rest as well." She pulled out 8 more rings each pair completely different, but completely beautiful.

"What did Raf take?" Sharon questioned putting on her matching ring.

"Nothing? How did you swing that?'

"He thinks that if he keep giving me the lot that one of these days I'm going to wake and think wow I want to fuck him..." she turned to zemo. "That is never going to happen though." With a wink she went back into her duffle.

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